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I sat frustrated in the same place I had been hours ago. Staring at the tablet, trying to translate the part about me. Behemoth only let me read part of the first line, and I was getting nowhere except eternal boredom. Until Sam came running downstairs with that look. "Why didn't you tell us?" "About?" "Behemoth's involvement in the apocalypse! I mean look around you, how did you survive?" "Because Leviathan are still in Purgatory, not me. God gave Behemoth a desert in Eden to live in. This way, we can fight when he wants us, which seems to be coming up fast by the way."

Sam shook his head. "And you can tell me nothing about Behemoth." I sighed and stood up, stretching once before continuing. "Behemoth is a chaos monster whose counterpart is Leviathan, only two things can kill him. God, and possibly Death's scythe...it can kill anything. Yes, in the book Revelations it says that Leviathan and Behemoth will engage in combat and God will come and slay them both. I don't know if that's true, maybe God's decree changed. If so I have a chance of living."

Sam shook his head. "I'll keep looking, you too. How much...." When he looked at my page he stopped. It was full of writing, I had finished everything except for the part actually about me. "Just this one part left, the important part." He nodded and left me to do it. After another ten minutes of nothing I stood up and waited. Take a nap darling, then we can talk. I sighed and sat down again, laying my head down on my arms. Sleep came almost instantly. Behemoth really wanted to talk to me. When he appeared I was ready. "Look, if you read that....it might be scarring, or healing depending on how you look at it."

He sounded so cheerful, why? Why did he get to be happy singing Queen or Led Zeppelin while I killed countless monsters and ghosts? "Please, please I need to read it if only to warn them!" He sighed, bored with how protective I was getting. "Fine! But you may regret it."I sat up and blinked a few times, then looked down at the tablet. I could read it all! I went to the part about Behemoth, and began to read.

Behemoth shall be the end of the righteous man's self, he shall love. Leviathan shall rise through the fallen brother, her longs for revenge shall be filled. The battle shall end when Leviathan has thrown Behemoth down and their Creator shall walk among the earthly beings to face them both. Leviathan shall rise and Behemoth will fall, greater than ever before, and the Lord shall turn to the righteous man and his brother and give to them a gift. I wrote this all down, and as I turned back and read the last part, my breath hitched in my chest. The Lord their God shall smile on them and give them their heart's truest desires. And they will be pleased. I understood why Behemoth had warned me, but I wouldn't give in.

I grabbed the lined paper and raced upstairs showing it to Bobby, the decree of the Winchesters in English. "I didn't look much into the future, I left all that undiscovered." Bobby nodded and looked over the translation. "Show this to the boys, it's their life anyway." I nodded and walked into the study. Dean lay on one couch, a book on his stomach. Sam was on his computer opposite him. They both sat up and I handed the paper to Sam. They both read it over, but Dean was the first to react. "God? God will offer us something, that is rich!"

Sam sighed at Dean's outburst and turned back to his computer. I sat between them and watched the screen. "Looking for omens, anything to pinpoint where the battle will be." I looked over my own translation, then I looked to Dean. "You know who'll free Leviathan don't you?" He nodded and I sighed, looking back to the page. "I can't fight him Dean..." He pulled me close and kissed my forehead lightly. "You have to."

Sam groaned in complaint and looked up from his screen. "Who are we talking about?" I looked him in the eye, and handed him the paper again. "Look at the description." He read it over once more and looked up. "Cas?" We both nodded and Sam sighed. "So what? Cas is gonna pop open Purgatory and...." "Take in Leviathan." I finished. He looked up to the ceiling. "So we just have to find Cas, that's easy." Dean said, the sarcasm dripping from his voice. I looked around the room quickly and stood up, walking to the corner. I reached out, caught hold of a trench coat and pulled. Cas appeared out of the nothingness. Dean and Sam stood up, of the two Sam looked more shocked. I walked and stood in between them. "Cas," Dean said, putting his arm over my shoulder, "we have a lot to talk about."

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