Sam's Guilt

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Sam didn't talk to me during the next hunt much, unless he had to. Dean and I knew that he felt bad about making me talk, but I was actually much happier to have it off my chest. I sat with Dean on the hood of the impala, looking at Sam inside the motel running around with papers. "So what, are you a psychic?" I nodded and accepted the beer he offered me. "Yep, but not like Sam. Sam had to take more demon's blood to give him power. I don't take something, it's just a part of me." He nodded and looked across the horizon. "This's getting to my head." I looked up, thinking quickly about what I would do to clear my head. "Do you wanna go for a drive?"

After an hour, I pulled the impala over near a quiet lake. "Here, your problems will be solved." Dean sighed and climbed out of his car. I walked with him to a bench near the edge of the lake and we sat in silence for a minute. "Okay, now just talk. Not to anyone specific, just talk. No filter, let it go." He sighed, nodded and stood up. "I'm worried about Sam, I worry about everyone. Cas, Bobby, even you. But it puts on so much pressure, I don't know. Sam's being an ass and you, you make me lose my mind. Cas disappeared, and Bobby is a drunk who thinks about putting a bullet in his brain every day. How? How do I stop it all?!" He shouted the last question at the lake.

I stood up and walked over to him and gently put my hand on his shoulder. I half expected him to shake it off and storm away. Instead he just let me stand next to him and watch the wind drift over the lake. "It's so calm." I muttered softly. I remembered something my older sister used to do when I was young that would calm me down. I laced my fingers with Dean's and ran my thumb over the back of his hand. I could see his shoulders relax and he gazed back at the car. "Too bad we didn't bring swimsuits, the water would be perfect right now." "Oh you mean," I opened the car door to pull out a bag and throw it to Dean, "these?" He laughed and we quickly got changed.

After splashing around in the lake for a while I began to relax as well. That is until Dean tackled me in the water. I didn't expect it but I took hold of the moment and pulled him close. When we reached the surface once again I surprised him by pressing my lips to his. He actually kissed me back and we fell back into the water. I resurfaced laughing and he came up behind me with that grin that melted my heart. I ran to the edge of the lake and grabbed the two towels I had brought and wrapped one around myself, giving the other to Dean. We sat in silence and let the high noon sun dry us off quickly. We got changed back into our clothes and climbed back into the impala. "It's okay baby," Dean muttered as I started the car, "she'll take good care of you." I smiled at that as we drove away from the quiet into city life.


Sam looked unimpressed with me and Dean, but was happy to present a possible supernatural creature that we could hunt. Dean went on a food run leaving me and Sam to try to talk. He cleared his throat and I turned to find Crowley standing there. I stood up and grabbed at the knife I had left on the table, but it was gone. "Sam!" He looked to the floor, and Crowley smiled. " brought him here?" "I do not need this guilt anymore!" he stood up, and shouted at me. Crowley walked over with that stupid grin on his face. I thrust him back against the wall and he laughed. "Ass." I muttered. "Oh, she has teeth," he grinned, "let me down Maeve. I won't hurt you, I just want to talk." I let him down and we disappeared from the room, appearing in a throne room of types.

"Welcome, sit." Crowley said, motioning at a chair close to the throne. I crossed my arms and stood in the same place. He nodded with a chuckle and sat on his throne. It was red, but I could see the faces of tortured spirits in the carved wood, screaming for help. "Well, I was hoping we could talk about a truce. Seeing as we know who's side you're fighting for." "I'm not..." "Castiel?" The name, he cut me off with that name. "What about him?" "Didn't do you say it, help you?" "More than you demons did." He nodded and stroked his beard. "Now, we both know if it came to it, demons or angels, you would pick angels." "I would pick humans." He barked a laugh at that and leaned back in his throne. "Humans? Weaklings," he paused becoming suddenly serious again, "pests who need to be controlled." I was getting fed up with the small talk. "What. Do. You. Want. From. Me?" I asked each word slowly.

"I want a truce, say when it comes down to it, you spare half of hell's souls." Now it was my turn to laugh. "You act like I care." His face was shock, he didn't know. "I don't fight for the angels, or for the demons. You can rip apart heaven and hell, I don't care. The souls are useless to me!" He shook his head slowly. "No no, see I was informed that souls were your energy source. You need them to perform your abilities." "I have never done such a thing, nor will I ever in my future. Now, my turn. If it comes to it, and I am forced to fight, I fight for humans because they are worthy. I am Behemoth, the largest and most powerful beast to ever exist, the king of all land animals. And it is written, Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play. He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens. The shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about. Leave me king of hell and let me return to my world!"

When I reappeared in the motel room Dean was pacing nervously and Sam was gone. Dean stopped and stared at me, grinning until he saw the look on my face. "Dean...where is your brother?" He pointed outside and I stormed out to where Sam sat on the hood. Now, this wasn't me, Behemoth was angry so I just let him out. After punching Sam in the face, we slammed him into the hood. "I come back, take on this form to be betrayed by you?!" Dean came running out shouting at us, but he flew back against the wall and we turned back to Sam. "Behemoth." "No," I said taking back control, "Maeve." With that I threw him across the parking lot and ran into the motel room, locking out Dean and Sam Winchester for the time being.

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