A Casual Family Dinner

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Dean and Sam sat outside on the hood of the impala, and I wished I could be out with them instead of inside watching my sister and my nephew play on the carpet. "So," Wren said, picking up her son, "what's your relationship with them then?" I sighed and smiled. "I don't know how to describe it." "Do your best." I gazed at the boys, and then back to Wren. "We worked a case back two years, and since then we've kept in touch. Now I actually travel with them, we stay together. Sam, the tall one, he's the younger of the two. He's more like a brother to me, we look out for each other. The older one, Dean. Well, he's Dean." Wren smiled, and I looked over at her. "You like him?" "No, I...I love him." "Lucky duck." I felt a blush creep up my cheeks, but I repressed it. Wren put her son down and I watched as he crawled around the floor to his favourite toy. I looked for permission, and was given a grin. I sat in front of him and took his hand in mine.

"Calyx, be nice to your aunt." Wren warned as he pulled away gently. He looked at me, confused. I picked up the toy he had been looking for and held it out to him. He smiled and took it, and we spent time doing this back a forth. I realized I was dressed in a more goth, bad-ass type of dress. Something he wouldn't be used to. He wore a jumper with a teddy bear on the front. After a while my step-sister (Zinnia) came home, and accepted me being there well. She asked if I could play with her instead, so we went to the front yard where she showed me her gymnastics tricks. Dean sat on the steps and gave her points for each one. "Maeve, you do a routine!" she shouted at me after a while. I borrowed her hair elastic and tied my hair back. I tossed my coat to Dean and tried to remember the last time I had done this. Okay, now go. Cartwheel! Flip, up and over. Make up the rest! Behemoth had decided to give me advice.

I did what he told me and added in some more stuff (that was actually just a form of combat I had learned from some monk before he was killed) and finished with a round-off. Zinnia and Dean looked shocked, and I heard Sam laughing in shock from inside. "Points?" I asked as Dean tossed me my coat. "TEN! TEN!" I bowed for the both of them and we went inside, and everything was great until my stepmother's car pulled onto the street and Wren realized she had forgotten to notify my family that I was here. I decided to be a little mean and have Dean and Sam flank me on the couch, where I lounged lazily. Dean and Sam didn't mind, but it would piss my step-mom off to no end. When she walked in I was sipping on the beer Dean had brought me from the impala and chatting with the boys and Wren. She dropped her groceries on the floor and let out a faint squeak, and I turned to look at her. "You're lucky they put the eggs on top, or they would've broken." I said before turning back to Sam and his comment about our last hunt before all of this madness.


Dinner was not as peaceful as Wren had planned. The kids were fine with me there. The adults, not as much. Dean and Sam were polite, and I did my best to not comment on anything. Until William (cheeky little bastard) asked, "Maeve, what have you been doing since you were seven?" I looked to the boys who shrugged, and I gave them a look back saying; You, help me or I will kick your asses! They both sat up and cleared their throats. "That's not of your concern." Dean muttered as he reached for a badge, but Sam stopped him. "Oh I think it is," my father sneered from the other end of the table, "do tell Maeve." I looked to Sam and Dean again and the looked at their plates. This simply meant I would have to tell the truth, but not make it too horrible. "I've been doing my job for this country, which is saving your asses." "Maeve! I will not have that language around this table!" My step-mother is a pain sometimes. "You do not want to hear half of our conversations then." Dean muttered to Sam and I, and I tried to hold back the laughter at the thought.

"Well I'm glad you have something to laugh about." William muttered, and Zinnia elbowed him in the ribs. "Okay, no but what is your job?" My step-mother tried again. "I'm a hunter." "So you hunt professionally?" "Not quite, in fact I think one of my old identities in on Greece's Hellenic Police's watchlist." I said to no one in particular. Everyone except for the three hunters put their cutlery down to gaze at us, and when I looked up I was met with wide eyes. "You're a killer?" "No, well yes and no. I don't kill humans." "Unless you have to use the knife." Dean muttered and Sam kicked him. "All three of you do this?" The boys nodded, and I sucked in a breath. "Aren't you that serial killer from St. Louis?" "No! That was that damn shifter!" Dean said, anger in his voice because he had to repeat this again to people who wouldn't listen. "So you hunt...." "Things, for a living. Yes, and it can be amazing and it can be horrible." "And boring!" Behemoth chimed in, taking a quick break from singing off key.. "Shut up!" I muttered and Sam chuckled. "He's being a pain again?" "Yep, annoying." I said, directing my thoughts at him.

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