Demon's betrayal

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Dean cocked his rifle and we wandered down a hallway in the apartment building. I didn't understand why we didn't all split up and take different levels, but Sam had insisted that Dean go with me. "Keep moving Princess, lots of floors to cover." I shook my head in disgust. After three days the comments were getting worse. I pulled out my cellphone, it was newer and I had done the liberty of making it truly useful. "Who you trying to call?" "No one, just tracking a demon." I said as I pulled up the antenna on the side. The screen flipped and a small whirring came out of it. "EMF, shall we?" I said as we walked on.

Dean muttered under his breath the entire way. I kept dead silent and let the EMF do the work for me. Suddenly all the lights turned red and it made a high whining sound. I looked to the door, floor 13. Like that made me feel any better. "Let's go." I said as we pushed through the door and into another hallway. This one was freezing, even in my jean jacket I was cold. Dean nodded and I pulled out my gun. A soft click, then we walked silently down the hall. I pushed through a door and found Sam, tied to a chair. But no...this wasn't Sam. There was blood around his mouth, and his eyes had turned black. I shoved Dean back as he looked in and he struggled to get past me. "No! That is not Sam in there! They're trying to break him!" I yelled but Dean shoved me to the floor.

Why Dean? I didn't want to do this... I thought to myself as I thrust my hands at him. He flew back against the wall and stayed there. Then I turned to Sam.

"I'm going to regret this, so much," I muttered looking up to the ceiling, "Cas, get down here!" I called out into the nothingness. I hit Sam across the face so he passed out for the time being. Then I looked to my right and found Castiel standing there. "Well, at least you're on time. Help me out here." I said motioning to Sam. "Can you help him?" "No, not since I recently rebelled against heaven." he said looking to Dean. "Let him go Maeve, he's not part of this." "He's a big part of it, I know who's after him." Cas shook his head and untied Sam. "We'll just have to get him under a demon's trap." I nodded and guided Cas to an area of the floor. I drew up a quick trap and applied the symbols. Then we stepped back and watched Sam sit up. Cas looked into his eyes. "That's possession, and that's not demon blood on his lips." I nodded and walked around him so that he couldn't see what I was doing.

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo, draco maledicte. Ecclesiam tuam securi tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos." I never paused, even though Sam had started spasming and moving. When I finished Sam's head flew back and black smoke poured from him and flew down, back to hell. Sam gasped and sat up, groaning.

"Dean...Cas...that girl. Kill her."


I was gone before the words formed on his lips. I knew that demons knew about me, and now so did Sam. I climbed into my car and shifted into gear. Even Bobby didn't know the whole truth. No one except Cas did. I pushed my foot close to the floor and sped off into the night. It wasn't until I was twenty miles out of town that I relaxed ever so slightly. I heard my phone going off. I checked the caller ID. It read, "Not-so-bad Angel." I hung up, not in the mood to talk to Cas. I pulled into a small town and booked a room for the night. Dean and Sam would be on my tail, and I couldn't trust Cas.

My phone rang again and I checked it. Once again it was Cas' number. I hesitated, then answered the call. "If you..." "They're gone, where are you Maeve?" "I can't answer that Cas. What did you tell them?" "Nothing, and the demons have got it wrong. What Sam learned is all false, just to get them to turn against you." "How much was true?" "All the parts with the demon, nothing with us is known." I sighed and nodded. "I can't tell you where I am Cas. I'll give you a hint." I looked out the window. "I am where the red dog rests." He would understand, and if Sam and Dean were using him to find me, so be it. "Meet me at the regular place, five minutes." I made sure my bag was packed so I could run if needed. Then I put on my jean jacket and walked downtown to meet with Cas.


Cas was sitting at the table, the other chair was pulled out for me. I sat down and the waitress came over with our order, the staff had it memorized. Cas stared me down. "What does Sam know?" "He knows who made you, he doesn't know about what I did to save you, or what you've been learning to do." I nodded, "So he just knows that we are alike in almost every way possible." Cas nodded and sipped the cup of coffee that the waitress had brought him. "Where are the boys now Cas?" "Searching every inch of this state. They'll be here soon, and you can't run forever." I shook my head and looked into Cas' eyes. "Can I do it?" "It would be painful, almost impossible, I don't know what would happen. You don't actually have wings." "Take me somewhere then." "I can't...I don't want to betray the Winchesters." "And I don't want to die, or have to fight them. It won't end pretty. Zap me to Canada or something, give me a head start." Cas nodded and he touched his fingers to my forehead. I woke up in a motel bed in Ontario, with all my stuff right where it should be.

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