Dean's Spirit

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After an hour, Dean knocked on the door. "Maeve, I do need to come in to, you know eat." I unlocked the door and let in Dean. Sam was at the hospital with a concussion and a broken leg. "You going to tell me what happened, or..." "Behemoth happened. It's who I became when I drank Cas' blood. The largest and most powerful beast to ever exist, the king of all land animals. He is the male counterpart to the female Leviathan, lord of the ocean. At the End of Days, God will command the Behemoth and the Leviathan to battle to the death, then a feast of their flesh will be served to the righteous."

Dean nodded, his expression unreadable. "And you didn't tell me all of that because?" "I swore to not tell anyone." "So you're some ancient creature's bitch?" I shook my head, a chuckle escaping my mouth. "No, he's my bitch. I control him being his flesh." Dean stood up and pulled me close in an embrace. "Hey, I don't care about all that." I sighed, wishing I had the will to laugh. "How do you keep up your spirit Dean? It never seems to fail." He smiled and turned to the table. "Burgers?" "Thought you never ask."

After a while, Sam came back from the hospital with Cas. Cas healed him, but now he just looked like..."Hey Moose." I said, it was the only way to describe how he looked. Dean chuckled and took another bite of his pie. I grabbed a fork and stole a quick piece. He looked at me like I had robbed him of the world. And so began the battle. Sam and I argued about the nickname of "Moose Lord" and Dean and I fought over the pie. In the end Sam gave up and I stabbed my fork into the pie, right where Dean had yet to eat it all. Basically saying, I won the whole thing. Cas reappeared after the hour long fight, and I could see the hint of a smile on his face. "May I introduce you to Moose Lord, Pie Hog, and me." I said with a grin.

Cas motioned behind him and I saw another figure appear. I grabbed my knife, but found myself face to face with a blonde man. "Balthazar, this is whom I spoke of." Cas said, and my gaze snapped to the rest of him. His wings... "Angel." I spat. "You can see them...incredible. Behemoth, I welcome you with open arms to heaven." I laughed and turned to the Moose Lord. "Sammy, now." He flipped up the rug and pressed his hand onto the symbol we had drawn in blood. "NO!" was all Cas got to shout before they both disappeared. I sighed and turned back to the brothers. "You're not leaving us anytime soon." Dean said as Sam wiped up the blood from the floor. "Balthazar, that bastard. He isn't someone you want to..." "The thief from heaven." I muttered, or Behemoth muttered, damn I wasn't sure who I was anymore. "Cas may be trying to help, but they don't understand that I don't fight for them, I fight for you." Dean sighed and looked at my arm. "You didn't..." "Oh," I said letting the archangel's blade fall into my hand, "I did." Sam laughed and I looked up to the sky. "Don't mess with me heaven, or all hell breaks loose."

Cas came back the next day. This time, alone. I woke up to him standing over me. "Damn it Cas! Don't do that!" I jumped, then buried myself back into the bed. I realized that I had stolen Dean's bed, and he was sleeping with his head on the small table. Sam was dead asleep too, but Cas wouldn't leave. "Cas, it's 4 in the morning. I want to sleep." "Maeve Amanda..." I sat bolt upright. "You're not my mother Cas, and we have an agreement. You don't use my full name." (My full name is Maeve Amanda Drake) Cas shook his head and looked at the ground. "Why didn't you tell me that you talked to Crowley?"

So that's what this was about. I was being woken at 4 in the morning to talk about a fucking demon. "Personal business. Not yours." Cas walked over to Dean, and looked at his face. "I don't want to." "You wouldn't." He sighed, then reached out towards Dean. Instinct took over and I pinned Cas to the wall. Dean was woken with a jolt, he sat straight up and looked at the scene. "Cas...what the hell?" He looked at me, and then back to Cas. "Maeve, what's going on?" "Cas, he threatened to send you...never mind. Anyway, it's official. I am a danger to you and Sam. I'll go with them." "No! Maeve, you can't. Everything that we've been through, that we have." I nodded and walked over to him. Cas made some kind of sound that I can't describe, and I whipped around to look at him. "What Cas?" ", love him."

I walked over to him and let him down from the wall. "Not a word." He nodded and disappeared. Dean looked up at me, the sleep hadn't left his eyes. I saw that he had clearly been drinking earlier, he was impressionable. "Dean, it's just a dream. Wake up and get me up. Tell me what you saw." He nodded and fell back against the table. I climbed back into bed and lay there for another hour. Sleep was impossible, and I wanted to be on guard. It was all happening too fast, and Dean and Sam weren't ready. But they would have to be, I felt the tightening in my chest that happened whenever tears threatened. Dean woke up at that moment, and saw me sitting up. He climbed into bed next to me and held me close.

"I was thinking about your question from earlier, and I have an answer." "And that is?" I asked as I snuggled into the crook of his neck. "My spirit, it's kept alive by love. For you, for Sammy and even for Cas and Bobby." I looked up and the levee broke. Tears flowed freely down my face and looked deep into his emerald eyes, my brown reflected in them. "That was the right, beautiful, deep answer I needed." He smiled back and began to tell me of his "dream", and I sat and listened, mesmerized by his eyes and voice and I think it was that moment that I realized Cas was right. I was in love with Dean Winchester.

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