Crowley's Deals

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Hellhounds. Crowley's bitches. I don't care what name you use. Killing them was a pleasurable experience. While the boys and angels dealt with them, I leapt over the line to take on Crowley. Demons appeared around him, and I called on my own demonic abilities. I dug down inside of me, and they all flew backwards, temporarily out of my way. I stalked up to Crowley and I could see the shock on his face. "You know, I want to take my time with you. Cut you apart piece by piece, but I don't know where to do it. I like the idea of here, but then again. You're life isn't worth much to me." He crouched down to pick something up and I stepped slowly, waiting for him to make a move. He was overly predictable. He stood up and laughed.

"Well then, the brave girl. Ready to go down for her family. But let me tell you a secret, they're already dead." I smiled and pulled a small bag out of my pocket. I tossed it at him and he opened it, looking inside to find all the planted hex bags we had found and taken apart. He sighed and I leaped at him, catching him by surprise. I tackled him to the pavement and brought my sword down at him. It stopped inches from his face and I turned to see an odd man in the street. "You cut it fine!" Crowley shouted. "I don't want to work with slime like you." the man replied. He had dark skin, I could barely make him out in the faint light around us, it was almost nighttime.

"R...r..raph...ael." Cas struggled to say, he along with the others floating in the sky being slowly choked to death. "Another angel." I muttered under my breath. "Wrong, abomination. Archangel." I sighed, chuckling at how I was the abomination, or so he called me. "Now, maybe we can reach an agreement." Crowley said standing up. I whirled around and waited for the moment. "So, do your friends die? Or can we talk?" I hadn't realized that I was touching the promise ring around my neck. "We'll talk, let them down." Crowley nodded and they fell to the Earth. "So, down to business then." I sat at the table that had appeared, and faced Crowley.

"What do you want?" "You, I thought I've made that clear." I nodded, and look up at the dark skinned angel. "Betrayer of your kind." I muttered. His eyes flashed at me, lit up with fire for a moment then returned to normal. "Back to business, I would assume you have terms if I take your soul." I dug into my mind, finding that annoying voice. "Do you have a soul?" "Nope, one of the perks I might add." "I'm putting you in control, got it?" Silence, so I let him out. "Sure I have terms, they all walk free and no damage done to them." Crowley looked around for whom Behemoth was talking about. As he did, Behemoth grabbed the long contract and signed the bottom, then let me back out. "Never mind Crowley. I'll sign. A deal, is a deal. My soul in ten years time, and we leave this place alive." Crowley nodded and I feigned my signature. The paper rolled up and into Crowley's hand. "I'll see you in ten months time darling." I smiled and looked down. "Make it days." He nodded and then disappeared. "What the hell did you just do?" "I cheated Crowley out of a deal." I said with a smile as I walked back into the house.

"You're safe for now. He'll leave you alone." Wren nodded and gave me a hug. A few goodbyes were tossed around and I turned to leave. Dean and Sam were waiting on the street. "Maeve...why leave again?" "Because....I'm an abomination." I said with a grin as I ran to the car and climbed in. We drove off and out to the city limits. I had a friend to reconcile with. I banged on his door three times and it opened immediately. "Jonas, good to see you." I said as he opened the door. He ushered us in and I took a look around. "Alright you black- eyed son of a bitch, show yourself. No one trying to protect someone puts up angel proofing that bad." Dean said, pointing his gun into Jonas' back. "I didn't have to come. You sent that to bring me into Crowley's trap." His eyes turned black and he snarled.

"Yes I did. I've been Jonas for a while now. After we killed him." I grabbed the knife out of Dean's back pocket and faced him. "Well then, I guess it won't matter if I kill you." He smiled and I rammed the knife into his stomach. "Don't tempt me." I muttered as his body crumbled to ash and dissipated, sent to wherever. "Can we please go back to Bobby's and have a night off?" Dean nodded and we climbed back into the impala and headed back to Sioux Falls where it would be peaceful and calm. For five minutes or so, then we were back on the job.

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