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First of all, (I'm the realestt😂) guys, I freaked out when I saw 97 fucking comments on my last chapter! wtf?!

I definitely have the best readers in the whole entire world and I love you all so much.

This was supposed to go up next week, but you all deserve it!

I hope you like it, comment and vote!!


I was fucking fuming, I could practically feel my blood boiling under my skin.

How can he have a fucking fiancé?!

I mean, I knew it was to good to be true. I thought he might of had a girlfriend, I never would've imagined he was committed.

And in all honesty, it hurts, like a bitch.

Why didn't he tell me?

"Kristal" his voice which usually made me feel a thousand things, and it was the most angelic sound ever, right now only made me want to fucking kill him right there and then.

"Kristal, baby" he yelled, trying to get my attention as I practically jogged away from him.

I abruptly stopped and turned around, walking towards him as I glared at him, just so he could know how much I dislike him right now.

Once I was in front of him I pushed him with all the force I could generate, and he stumbled backwards.

He grabbed my hands with a tight grip and pulled me towards him, but I just pushed him away, again.

"Don't you dare call me that!" I raised my voice, still fighting with him as he still tried getting a hold of me.

"Please hear me out" he quietly said, giving me sad eyes full of culpability and a little bit of hope.

"What is there to say, Jai? You never told me you had a fiancé, I thought you were single by the way you were flirting with me. I hooked up with you, for fuck's sake" I said frustratedly, as I ran my hands through my hair, trying to not explode again.

"I know, and I know it was wrong. But since the first day I saw you, I felt a connection, I felt something for you, I couldn't stay away, and I even forgot about Mikaela. I wasn't planning on coming here to cheat on her. I don't love her-" I cut him off, shaking my head.

"It doesn't matter if you love her or not, if she's a bitch or not, or even if she's a psycho, you are committed to her, which means you have to faithful to her. I don't know her or the kind of person she is, but I do respect the fact that you're taken. If I would've know you weren't single, I wouldn't have let anything happen between us" I said, looking at him, studying his facial expressions.

He frowned and looked down, sighing.

He looked back up and I wish he hadn't, I felt myself softening and wearing at the way his expressive and deep eyes stared into mine.

"What if that's exactly why I didn't tell you?" He said after a couple of minutes of staring into my eyes.

I stayed quiet not knowing what to say anymore.

"I couldn't break up with her over the phone, but I wanted to be with you. I want you, not her. I've been with her for years only because I didn't want to be alone. She was there and I just... Please, forgive me. You don't have to give me another chance, but forgive me" he said, his voice braking at the end and I felt my heart shattering at his tone.

"Jai, I forgive you. You mean a lot to me, and we wanted to try something, but the reality of this is that we could never be together. You live in Australia, you're marrying her, and I don't even know if I have time for relationships. I have Michael, I have to be there for him" I said, looking down, not daring to meet his gaze.

It's unbelievable how much this hurts, I want to stay with him, be with him, but he's with someone else. I know that I don't just like, it's something bigger, something stronger.

"We can both be there for him, I can move here, I don't care, please Kristal, don't give us up" he begged me, taking my hands in his and lightly squeezing them, and I could hear the desperation in his voice.

"We can be together, you know that. We both feel it, and we can't deny it, that's why we can't control each other when we're together. We can get a house, be a family together, and even have kids of our own when we're ready" he added, pulling me closer.

Suddenly, I pulled away from him as if being close to him burned me.

I felt my eyes watering at his words, he feels something for me.

"W-what's wrong? Is it because I said we could have kids of our own? It's okay if you don't want anymore children. I meant like, after settling down, having our lives together sorted out, then-" he kept nervously rambling.

"No. Jai, go back to her. When you have everything sorted out with her, then come talk to me" I said, my tone icy cold, not looking at him, holding back my tears.

He wants kids, he wants to have a family.

I turned around, but once again, he yelled my name.

I considered ignoring him, but turned around anyways.

I took in a sharp breath when I saw the look on his face.

"I love you" he timidly and quietly said, like he was fearful of my reaction.

I felt like the air had just been knocked out of me, and I felt dizzy.

A single tear streamed down my face, but I just turned around and kept walking.

Mikaela was going to be able to give him things I won't.

Jai doesn't even know me, he shouldn't be with me. I don't deserve him, that's why he has to be with her.

"That's it?! You're just going to let me go?" He yelled and I just ignored him as the pain in my chest intensified.

I know I had made a bad decision, one I was going to regret, but I wasn't thinking straight. I just wanted to best for him, and it wasn't going to be with me, or so I thought.

I looked up and saw a woman, dressed in white, staring right at me, she had a camera in her hands.

I kept staring at her, trying to understand why she was taking pictures of me, so I decided to go up to her.

I jumped back when I truck almost ran over me, a loud gasp leaving my mouth.

I looked back to where the woman was standing moment ago, but she was nowhere to be seen, she was gone.

Who was that woman? Why is she taking pictures of Kristal? Stalker much?

We're getting to the interesting part, but the end is also nearing.


Freaks- j.b.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin