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*short chapter, I'm sorry :(


A pounding headache woke me up, and I just knew how shitty this day was going to be.

I sat up and softly massaged my temples, looking around, and suddenly I remembered the events from yesterday, honestly, I wish I hadn't.

I remember coming home late and staying with Jose, I didn't want to see Jai, I mean, I couldn't.

I wasn't strong enough to deny him or ignore him while being so close to him. Plus, if I had slept in the same bed as him, we both knew we weren't going to sleep at all, and that just couldn't happen ever again.

Or at least as long as his committed.

I sighed and got out of bed, stretching my body and walking out of them room to go to the bathroom.

I closed and locked the door once I was inside.

I brushed my teeth and undressed before turning on the warm water.

As I showered, I though about Jai, his fiancé, and my feeling towards him.

I don't know if he was lying, but he was willing to give everything up just to be with me, he also wanted to be a part of Michael's life, and every time I thought about that, this exquisite feelings of warmth would spread all over my body.

It just seemed impossible to believe. His life was in Australia, his family, yet, he wanted to stay here...with me.

After a long time of thinking, I decided to talk to him, figure everything out.

The anger had left my body, all I could feel now was confusion, and longing.

I want Jai, I want to be with him, I want a life with him, I want him to be a part of my family with Michael.

I turned off the water, stepped out of the shower, and wrapped a towel around my body.

I walked out of the bathroom and made sure no one was in the hallway, I hurriedly made my way to my room.

I took a deep breath and opened the door, walking in, "Jai-" I started, but cut myself off when I realized I was too late.

He wasn't here, his bags weren't here.

He was gone.

I wanted to think that maybe he was just staying in another room, or even in a hotel, but I knew that wasn't what was going on.

He went back to Australia.

My bed was neatly made and a folded paper was lying on the bed. A letter.

I walked towards the bed, grabbing the paper and carefully opening it, fearful of what was going to be written on it.

A smile made its way to my face when I saw Jai's messy, but readable writing.

I quietly chuckled when I saw the 'baby girl' written in the greeting

I don't even know where to start, I like you so damn much, it's driving me insane. I can't stop thinking about you, about how beautiful you are, and your gentle smile that you always gave me, making me feel so happy. I'm so sorry about Mikaela, I should've told you, but I was scared. Since the first time I saw you, I wanted you, I liked you, and I just couldn't let go. I left to Australia with Mikaela, today is our wedding day-"

Oh-wait, what?!

I quickly folded back to paper and left it on my bed as I stood up, blinking away the tears.

I shouldn't cry over a guy that likes me, but isn't brave enough to stay with me. Instead, he went back to his fiancé.

I know I should've finished reading the letter, but I couldn't.

I took a shaky breath and walked into my walk-in-closet, grabbing what I was going to wear.

I heard the door opening, but I ignored it.

"Mamá!" I heard Michael's cute voice, looking for me.

"Yes, mi amor?" I asked walking out of the closet.

I smiled when I saw him lying on my bed, next the letter, but he didn't pay any attention to it.
Thank god. He knows how to read, so it'd be awkward if he read that.

"Ma, Jai told me to tell you he was going to miss you" he randomly blurted out and I looked at him with raised eyebrows, but he was frowning, looking confused.

"I don't know why, he said he was going to be back. I hope he comes back" he said and I heard his voice slightly breaking.

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, keeping everything inside.

I connected my phone to the speaker and put on some upbeat music to lighten the mood.

Michael started jumping and dancing on the bed as I changed and danced around as well, trying to forget about Jai, even if it was for a couple of minutes.


"Bye!" I heard Michael and Jose saying before I walked out of the house, closing the door.

I was going to go to the cafe near the house. I just needed to get out of there, plus, I liked their coffee. I walked in, and waited in line.

As I waited in line, I couldn't help feeling like I was being watched.

I turned around and across the street was standing the same woman dressed in white, a camera in her hands, but this time a girl was standing next to her.

They were both looking at me, but they looked like they were talking.

I frowned and walked out of the cafe, carefully crossing the street and approaching them.

They both looked familiar and the more I stared at the girl next the woman dressed in white, the more familiar she looked.

I froze, studying her closely, my eyes scanning every inch of her face, and at that moment I swore I had lost it, I was insane.

She was me.

"Hello, Kristal" the woman dressed in white said in a monotone voice.

WhAt Is gOIng oN?!
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