I met the boys!!

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I have no words

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I have no words... I still can't believe I met them.

They were so sweet and nice.

Jai was so flirty😍, he called me Mami chula, I grabbed his ass. I had a stage kiss with him. He called me beautiful and caressed my face and neck so many times😏😩

Luke said he loved my style, he also called me beautiful.
He called me a puta, which means slut😂 when I told him what it meant he apologized so many times and said he didn't know what it meant.

Beau blew me a kiss while they were "performing".

Luke said Te amo. And other made up stuff. 😂😍 He grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek so many times.

I gave them some drawings
I had made and they absolutely loved them. They said they loved my style (my drawing weren't ordinary drawings btw) unfortunately I don't have pictures to show you guys cuz I was so excited and nervous that I forgot to take pics of the drawings.

I drew Luke, Kiana, Beau, Chelsey, Daniel, Lucy, Jai, and Gina.

Jai was in love with the drawing of Gina and I swear I had the best night of my life. I miss them already and being in their arms was the best thing in the whole entire world😍❤️❤️❤️😩

I met so many Janoskianators and they were so nice and beautiful!!

Yesss, I'm still in shock😂

By the way, I'll update soon. I just wanted to share this amazing experience with you guys!!

I love you all!!

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