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I have a challenge for y'all...

I wanna see how many times you can comment on this chapter.
Depending on how many times you comment, determines when I'll update again.

Challenge accepted?

I couldn't help the huge smile as I walked down the stairs with Kristal next to me, I couldn't help the happiness I felt around her.

I blushed when I thought about what happened a couple of moments ago, we were together.

I couldn't say we fucked, because it definitely was more than that, but I was scared to even think that we actually made love.

She was so good, hell, I'm still shocked.

The way she moved, the sounds she made, the effects she had on me, the way it felt, fuck, I just want it to happen again, and again, and again.

No one, and I mean, no one, has ever in my life made me feel the way she did a couple of hours ago.

As soon as we walked into the kitchen, all eyes were on us and smirks appeared on their faces, causing my cheeks to heat up.

Why am I blushing?! I never blush.

"So, um..." Beau said, holding back his laugh.

"Did you guys get to know each other?" Luke chuckled and I glared at him.

"You're lucky your brother isn't here, or else, Jai'd be dead by now" Beau said, looking at me with a knowing look.

"Dios mío" she muttered under her breath and I looked at her, he gaze was on the ground, and she looked so uncomfortable.

I hope she doesn't regret what happened between us.

"Where is my brother and Michael?" She asked, looking up.

"They went together to get breakfast, though, I don't know why they're taking so long" James spoke up, slightly shrugging.

"Uh, well, um, I need to go..upstairs, uh, to get my phone" she said and quickly made her way upstairs, and I frowned.

She couldn't make it any more obvious how uncomfortable she felt.

"Jai, you do realize you just cheated on Mikaela, right?" Beau asked and I nervously gulped, realizing what I had done.

Luke scoffed and we looked at him, "Please, nobody likes Mikaela, and didn't you hear, Beau? The poor Jai had been waiting to cum for like years now, let him be" Luke said, rolling his eyes and I chocked on my own saliva at his words.

I ran my hands through my face in desperation, "Luke, shut the fuck up. And, I know, I really tried staying away, I just couldn't resist, I feel something for her" I said frustrated as I paced back and forth.

I didn't care about Kristal hearing us, because I just knew she wasn't going to come down anytime soon.

"No, your cock feels something for her. Clearly. You don't even know her" Beau said, as if I were stupid.

"I know! But, it sure feels like it!" I raised my voice and they stared at me with confusion and surprise..?

The front door opened and Jose walked in, a talkative Michael following behind.

"Breakfast's here" Jose said, dropping the bags on the table.

"Good, we were starving" Daniel finally spoke up, walking to where Jose was.

"So, did I miss anything?" He said looking at us and my brothers laughed.

"Oh, you missed plenty" Luke muttered under his breath and Jose stared at him with confusion, but I just slapped the back of his head, which started a mini fight between Luke and I.

Kristal came down, and walked past us, going straight to where the food was.

I chuckled and looked down when I felt someone tugging on my basketball shorts.

I saw Michael and I smiled, picking him up.

"Hi, buddy" I said and he wrapped his arms around my neck, as I carried him.

"Hi Jai" he quietly said, and I just sat down with him on my lap.

"Michael, come here, let Jai eat" Kristal said but I shook my head.

"It's okay, really. He can stay here" I smiled.

"Are you sure?" She asked and I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Yes, just eat" I laughed and she smiled before nodding.

We were eating as we animatedly talked, having a great time, when constant, loud, and persistent knocks were heard in the door.

The table fell quiet and Jose stood up, going to the front door and see who was there.

I froze when I saw who walked in a couple of minutes later, looking furious as she glared at me.

"Jaidon fucking Brooks, why aren't you returning any of my calls or texts? You can't just ignore me, not right now" Mikaela practically yelled, annoying me as soon as she started talking.

I stood up and looked at her with wide eyes, "W-what are you doing here?" I asked confused. Did she seriously came all the way here to ask me why I've been ignoring her?

"Who are you?" I heard Kristal ask, with confusion, and annoyance, as she practically glared at Mikaela.

"I'm Jai's fiancé, and you are?" She snapped and I looked at Kristal with sad eyes.

I saw the shock in her eyes, she turned to look at me and I felt horrible when I saw the disappointment in her eyes.

"Fiancé?" She whispered, in disbelief.

I nervously swallowed and looked down, feeling ashamed.

"What's going on here?" Mikaela asked at the same time as Jose said, "Are you fucking serious, man?"

I ran my hand through my hair and looked at my brothers, begging them to help me out.

"Either you tell her, or I will" Kristal said and I looked at her, not really caring about Mikaela, I just wanted her to forgive me and give me a chance to explain.

"Tell me what?" Mikaela asked, but nobody payed attention to her.

How fucking stupid is she? Why is she even here?!

"Okay, then, I-I-" Kristal started, but started stuttering when her eyes fell on me again.

"I just need to get out of here" she said and walked past us, walking out the door.

"Wait, Kristal!" I loudly said, going after her, I heard Mikaela yelling my name, but I just ignored her and tried to catch up with Kristal.

I can't let her go. I can't lose her.

So, a fiancé? Really Jai?

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