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How old are you guys?

I wanna know more about y'all!

I'm fifteen and I'm turning sixteen on March :) ik it's not even close but whatevs lol



My eyes slowly opened, greeted by the subtle and gentle sunlight that was able to slip through the dark curtains, Jai's warmth enveloped me, his body pressed against mine.

A smile involuntarily made its way to my face, I could definitely get used to this. Waking up to this every morning.

I frowned and mentally shook my head, pushing all those crazy thoughts away. What was I thinking about?

Every thought left my mind when I felt Jai stirring and humming, but what really shocked me was something hard poking my lower back.

I nervously swallowed and slowly and softly rolled my body against his, almost going unnoticed.

Jai quietly moaned, and pulled me closer to him, causing me to bite my lip.

I closed my eyes when I felt him grinding against me, and keep in mind that he was still asleep.

Suddenly, he stopped and I opened my eyes, a frown appearing in my face.

Why'd he stop?

"Good morn- oh" he cut himself off when he felt what I was feeling.

I felt my body reacting to his deep, raspy voice.

"Shit" he cursed under his breath, and pulled away from me.

I was still shocked at what I had been trying to do while he was asleep. I just can't control myself, and it scares me. I practically was taking advantage of him.

I felt him getting out of bed, and I rolled over to look at him.

His hands were over his crotch, his face flushed as he kept his gaze fixated on the ground.

"I-I'm so sorry, I--sorry" he struggled, not looking at me once.

Before I could say anything, he was out of the room.

I got out of bed, realizing I was wearing only my undergarments, even though I was sure I had fallen asleep with pajamas on.

I probably took them off in the middle of the night, while I was half asleep. It's a bad habit of mine, I do it without even realizing sometimes.

God, that's embarrassing.

I didn't think about any of that as I quickly walked out of the room, trying to catch up with Jai.

Once I walked into the bathroom, I heard the shower running, and I tried to ignore the fact that Jai was in there, naked, but the mere thought made me go weak at the knees.

How did he get so fast in the shower? Anyways, this was the last thought on my mind.

I heard silence, plain silence.

"Jai, it's okay. What happened back in the room is completely normal, you're a guy an-" I started but was abruptly stopped when I heard my brother talking, his footsteps nearing the bathroom.

I freaked out and jumped in the shower, forgetting for a brief second that Jai was in there, but I wasn't even looking at him, my attention was focused on the sound of the bathroom door opening.

Freaks- j.b.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant