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Please comment and vote. I'd really appreciate it, I mean it when I say that your comments are what keep me writing.

I don't wanna seem desperate, but I felt bad when I saw that in my last chapter there weren't as many comments as usual :( any ways thank you for everything❤️

I know this story is getting so boring, but I promise it gets better :)

Also, I have an idea for a book... Something different and unique, I think it's pretty interesting, would you read it of I published it? :)

Anywaysss, I hope you like this chapter!


I finished accommodating everything where it was supposed to be.

I was definitely nervous, I mean, Jai Brooks was sharing bedrooms with me, I was going to sleep with him.

Not only do I like him, like a lot, but I desired him. I wanted him and no one knows what might happen tonight, which kind of made me feel excited and terrified.

I let myself drop onto the comfy mattress and close my eyes, thinking of them many things that could happen tonight.

The door bursts open and I quickly sat up, Michael ran towards me, jumping on me and tightly hugging me.

I smiled and hugged him back, feeling happiness flooding through my veins as I held the most precious thing, well, person, close to me.

"I love you so much, did you know that?" I say the same phrase I say to him practically every day.

"No, mami, I didn't even know that that. You never tell me that" he sarcastically said giggling before planting a big kiss on my cheek.

I chuckled and raised my eyebrows.

I don't know where his sarcastic side comes from, but I know he's always been like this.

I'm sarcastic sometimes, but not all the time, but his dad was a cold, distant person.

That's what actually attracted me, I thought that maybe I could see other sides of him, I gave him my all, he meant a lot to me, but it all vanished as soon as he walked out of the door that night. I got over him quite fast, what really messed me up was the fact that I didn't have anyone to help me, I didn't have anyone to support me, or to tell me I was going to make because I was strong enough.

At some point, I fell into a depression, but got out of it as soon as I fell into it, because I had to keep going, for Michael.

"Ma, are you okay?" I heard Michael's tiny voice asking and I snapped out of my trance, looking at him.

I smiled and nodded before softly kissing his forehead.

Even though he's only five, he knows a lot.

I heard soft knocks on the door and I looked up, meeting Jai's deep gaze as he stared at me.

I smiled at him and he returned the gesture, causing my heart to melt.

"Hey Michael, your uncle's asking for you" Jai smiled and Michael got off of me before running out of the room, going to Jose, I'm guessing.

I bit my lip nervously as I stared at Jai who walked into the room.

I swear I saw his eyes shift to my lips, but he quickly looked away, slightly frowning.

"Um, do you want to go for a walk?" Jai asked and I looked at the clock sitting on the small table next to my bed. 10:29 pm.

"Sure, I have to get Michael to sleep before I leave, though" I said and he nodded.

I walked past him and briefly closed my eyes when his scent invaded my senses.

I just wanted to bury my face in his neck and sniff him while I hug him, as creepy as that sounds.

I walked out of the room and went downstairs, where everyone was animatedly chatting.

Jose walked towards the stairs and stuck his tongue out at me when he saw me. I mirrored his action and smiled.

"Where you going?" I asked, "To sleep" he simply said and I nodded.

"Michael" I called him and in less than thirty seconds, he was standing in front of me.

"Time to sleep" I said and he frowned, "No" he whined.

"Now" I said more strictly and he huffed before walking past me and going upstairs.

I walked to the main door and slipped on my flip-flops as I waited for Jai.

He came down shortly after and slipped on his vans before opening the door and holding it open for me.

I smiled and thanked him before walking out.

He closed the door once we were both out of the house and we started walking.

The street deserted and dark since it was so late. Cars were occasionally passing by, the chilly wind blowing against our faces as we walked in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable, just peaceful.

I felt Jai's burning gaze on the side of my face and I turned my head to look at him, he didn't look away once our gazes met, he just kept staring at me.

"What?" I shyly asked and realized we had stopped walking.

"You're beautiful and just...mesmerizing" he said, causing me to blush furiously.

I looked down but quickly looked back up and stared at him, studying him. Looking for any sign of dishonesty or amusement, but I didn't find anything, except seriousness and sincerity.

I smiled at him, "Thank you" I said and we kept walking, I felt Jai intertwining our fingers and I bit my lip, trying to hold back my smile.

How could he make me feel like this?

Around an hour later, we were still walking, occasionally saying random stuff, or asking questions about each other.

He stopped walking all of the sudden and I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, stopping as well.

"Are you o-" he cut me off, smashing his lips against mine in a soft, gently, sweet, kiss.

I moaned as I dug my nails into Jai's sweaty back, arching my back as he thrusted into me.

We stared into each other's eyes as the pleasure took us to another place, but it wasn't only that. We were connecting, we were becoming one, giving everything to each other.

The intensity of his stare left me breathless, along with his movements.

I quickly pulled away from Jai, feeling this delicious warmth traveling through my whole body, my breathing pattern irregular.

It was like a flashback, but it hasn't happened yet, so, was it a vision?

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't hav-" he started, but this time, I cut him off, placing my lips on his, resuming our delicate kiss.

He placed his hands on my cheeks and I placed mine on his waist as we sweetly kissed, taking our time, enjoying every second.

When we felt like we couldn't breath, we pulled away from each other, and I rested my forehead on his shoulder as I tried to make my breathing go back to normal.

Jai tightly hugged me and I smiled, returning the hug and closing my eyes.

I just wanted to stay here, it felt like home. Like I belonged here.

Guyssss I'm so sorry, I came back three days ago and school work is making me want to skskska.


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