Chapter 27: Overheard Her Plans

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Chapter 27: Overheard Her Plans

We left Cloudia back at the apartment while we all got into my car and went to Ashleighs house. She still lived with her parents so we knew where she lived. As soon as I pull up at her place we were all out of the car and went storming up to the front door. I ring the door bell multiple times before I hear people around the back of the house. We walk around the bark to find Ashleigh and company. Ashleigh was making out with a boy. His hand were all over her, it was disturbing to watch. Bethan, Ashleigh's best friend and modeling partner, was in the pool with another guy. "I knew you weren't a lesbian!" I make our presence obvious for them. Ashleigh pushes the guy off her but does not look at all startled by us.

"I'm not bisexual either." She sneers at us.

"What is going on in your sick mind?!" Emma asks rather desperately. "You have destroyed Cloudia enough! Why did you even go out with her in the fist place if you like boys?!"

"I know why." Sammy walks towards Ashleigh. Ashleigh's guests were watching us, the look of wanting to leave on all their faces. "You've always had it out for us, so you destroy someone who is important to us instead, bringing us down to."

"Close. I remember meeting Cloudia, it wasn't long after she had officially become your manager. Once I learned that she had, I needed to find a way that I could get close to her. Luckily Cloudia made it obvious that she likes girls. The closer I got to her, the closer I would get to you four." Ashleigh points at Sammy, Lily, Bree and I.

"You're such an evil cow!" Lily folds her arms.

"One thing I would like to know," Bree speaks up. "is why you hate us so much." I never had really thought about that, why did Ashleigh hate us so much? Why was she such a bully? All I can remember is that we were instant enemies from the first day we met at my first ever photo shoot, where she accused me of stealing her Logan when they had never even met before. I had stood up for myself in a not very nice manner so I guess I could be some of the reason why she hates us, but that doesn't explain why Sammy and her weren't on good terms when we first came to L.A.

"Bitch you'll never no." She spat at Bree.

"Watch it." I hiss back at her.

"Just wait till Cloudia hears about this." Lily says.

"Oh she's not going to believe you." Ashleigh says with a smirk. "I've got her wrapped around my little finger. And I'm pretty sure she'll choose her girlfriend over her friends."

"You're wrong." Cloudia comes over from behind us.


A/N: DON DON DOOOOOONNNNN! I was writing till 11pm last night, then I got no sleep cause of the stupid weather. IT'S SO COLD AND IT'S NOT EVEN WINTER YET IN NEW ZEALAND!

For the next three weeks I have heaps of internal assessments at school so I apologize in advance if I don't update on time.

I hope you all liked the update :) xx


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