Chapter 20: Revenge

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Chapter 20: Revenge 

Last night felt like one of the longest nights of my life, and that's saying something. I wake up around midday feeling terrible about yesterday. I can't hide for forever, besides, I have to go to the studio today. I have a quick shower and make myself look presentable before leaving. I was on time to the studio believe it or not and the second on there after Cloudia. Walking inside slowly, Cloudia turns around to face me and runs up to me. "Where have you been?! We spent half the night looking for you." I fall into her arms and cry. "Woah, what happened?"

"Logan has been going on dates with Demi behind my back." I say as calmly as possible.

"He did not tell me this." I look at Cloudia confused. "Logan came over to see if you were at my place and only said that you had run out after a fight, never said what it was about though."

"Where is Logan now?" 

"Not sure, haven't seen him since we found this" -Cloudia holds up my phone- "outside my apartment building." I look down embarrassed.

"Must of been driving past when I threw it out the window."

"Funny thing is that it survived, good old Nokia phones." I laugh a little.

"MELODY!" Sammy, Lily and Bree run straight into me.

"Hey." I ended up telling them everything that happened before going to record. Once we had finished for the day I stopped Lily, Bree and Sammy from leaving.

"I want to get my hair cut." I say.

"What?" All three of them say at the same time.

"I feel like I need to do something... unexpected."

"But your hair is so long and pretty." Bree says. My hair was really long, I haven't got it cut for what seems like ages now.

"I don't want it all cut off." -Sammy lets out a sigh of relief- "Just... below shoulder length. And layered."

"Well, let's go!" Lily claps. The four of us walk down the street to the hair dressers.

"Hello ladies." The woman behind the counter says when we walk in.

"Hi." Bree replies. "Is there any chance you could squeeze in two of us?"

"Make that four." Sammy adds.

"Sure. Take a seat." I turn to face my three friends.

"So, what are you girls going to do with your hair?" I ask.

"Well I need to get my highlights done again anyway." Sammy says shrugging.

"I need a trim." Bree adds.

"I think I might get the ends of my hair died brown." We all turn to face Lily. "What? Why is that so shocking?"

"Cause it's you." I say laughing. We only wait for a little while before we were called up. I sit in the seat and tell the lady what I wanted done. I watch my hair fall as she cuts it off. In the mirror I can see Lily. Her hair was now blonde and brown. It looked so pretty. Bree's hair was also done, not much length was gone.

"All done." I run my fingers through my hair. Standing up, I thank the lady and go to pay for my hair cut. Sammy was paying for her's as well.

"Are you ok Mel?" I nod.

"Believe it or not. I'm fine."

"What is going to happen between-"

"I just need a break from him at the moment. I don't really want to think about..." I trail off. Sammy nods. "I'm going to go and stay at my mum's. See ya."


I lay on my old bed in my old room, thinking... just, thinking. I don't know what is going to happen between Logan and I. But I certainly know the whole situation won't go unnoticed. A part of me wants to give Logan a taste of his own medicine. Why don't I go behind his back and do what he did to me? I sit up, fix my sister pyjama top that I had borrowed. I grab my phone,


"You want to come over?"


A/N: *Gasp* what will happen? I will update as soon as possible cause I don't want to leave you hanging...

Anyway, I would love it if you fellow readers could check out my James Maslow fan fiction 'Young Love' cause it's coming along nicely and I'm updating it quite often so you won't have to wait for updates for too long... idk :P

Also thank you all for over 2000 reads! Y'ALL ROCK!


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