Chapter 13: People Change

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Chapter 13: People Change

The next morning Tas and I got up early. We were watching a movie that was on TV. Not sure what movie it is but we're watching it. "So... when are you going to be doing any filming for your show, or for YouTube?" Tas asks.

"Not sure yet." I hear Tas mutter something under his breath but I can't make out what he said so I forget about it.

"Made any new friends while you've been here?" He asks after a moment of silence. I give him the 'are you serious' look.

"I have a social life Tas." I laugh a little but my laugh slowly fades when Tas just nods and looks at the screen. I sink into the couch, feeling stupid. I'm not sure why but I feel stupid.

"Who are these friends." Tas asks after yet another long moment of silence.

"Ummm... well, there's Sammy who I met when I went to BTR's concert. And some of the BTR cast. Also when I was on Victorious I became friends with most of the cast..." He nods.

"It must be cool being famous."

"I guess..." I sink deeper into the couch.

"Do you think that you could help me become famous?" Tas asks.

"It's not that easy-"

"Well you did it, and you're a dork." Ouch, no joke was in his tone.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"It means that I should be able to become famous faster than you."

"Well no I can not help you become famous. I will not let you use me." I fold my arms and turn away from Tas. 

"The only reason that I came to America when mum offered is to get you to make me famous!" Tas yells at me. I stand up and run out the door. It was only 6am so it was dark outside. No wonder Tas wasn't so keen on visiting Cloudia! He wanted to be seen in public with me to get in the media! He always used to want to be better than Cloudia and I when we were younger. Whenever we bet him in Mario Karts he would make up some excuse that his controller wasn't working, or when we killed him on Halo he would say that his player glitched. But he has never gone this extreme with being better than us. I go back home to Logan and open the door.


A/N: Not much to say with this chapter... I hope that you enjoyed it :)


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