Chapter 7: Ashleigh's Back

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Chapter 7: Ashleigh's Back

Today we were back to work, dance rehearsal after a late night, yay! I sarcastically argue with my self mentally as I drive like slowly down the street. I was already late as it was (we slept in) and I didn't need to get my NZ driving mixed with my American driving. Staying on the right side of the road in the USA, left in NZ, is harder to do when tired. I pull up to the studio and walk inside. Sammy, Bree and Lily had just arrived here as well. "Morning." I say to them, yawning at the same time.

"Hey." Sammy and Lily say.

"Good morning." Bree says, holding a cup of Starbucks coffee in her hand.   

"Please tell me that you got some for us." I beg. She nods and gives us the cups that she had hid behind her back. We walk inside sipping our coffees but stop in our tracks when we see Ashleigh standing there, arms folded and an evil smirk on her face.

"You're all late." She says bluntly. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" Lily snaps. 

"Ah ah ah," -Ashleigh wags her finger at us- "you mustn't talk like that to the second in command." We were all taken aback from what she had said.

"Who in the what now?" I say.

"I am you official, second manager."

"Oh hell to the no! There is no way I am taking instructions from super bitch!" Sammy says and Bree, Lily and I snicker.

"Too bad, Cloudia's commands. She's at home sick."

"Then why didn't she send Emma to be second in command?" Bree asks.

"Cause Emma insisted on looking after her so I offered to take charge."

"At least she isn't with Cloudia." I whisper so only Bree, Lily and Sammy can hear. Lidia, the dance instructor comes out and starts the dance routine while Ashleigh watches us. I didn't like the way she watched, it was like and eagle watching their prey. And when she strikes she made us work longer for being late. When Lidia suggested to Ashleigh that we had worked long enough and that we should be 'set free', we were so grateful. We went to the changing rooms and locked the door so we could keep Ashleigh out.

"Out of all the people Cloudia could have picked to be her girlfriend, it had to be her?" Bree complains. Everyone turns to me.


"Please can you do something?" Lily asks.

"I would if you want to loose Cloudia as a manager." They groan. "It's the truth. I tell her that I don't like Ashleigh as her girlfriend then she will leave us as she has fallen head over heels for her, I don't know how but she has." Sammy shrugs.

"I guess we will just have to cope."

"I guess so."


A/N: Starting at my new school tomorrow, wish me luck haha.

Not much else to say. Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)


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