Chapter 9: Complications

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Chapter 9: Complications

Cloudia had finally became better after what seemed like forever of being sick and Ashleigh backed off a bit when Cloudia was here. Sammy, Lily, Bree, Ciara and I had been working hard out all this week. We needed to get the first season finished and so far we had almost done the first episode out of 20. Logan's still acting rather odd but I either am to tired or don't have time to ask him why. I want to, trust me, but Logan doesn't help me in anyway with the situation. I will walk up to him and he will walk away. I cry myself to sleep silently so he doesn't hear me but sometimes I'm forced to leave the room. Every morning I would wake up early and slowly get ready for work. Slowly because I haven't been getting much sleep recently. I'm not sure if anyone had noticed yet. I get in my car and drive slowly to work, remembering that I'm in the US. I hear a loud noise coming up behind me and I look in my rear vision mirror. Boy racers. I move to the side. It was still dark out and I was in my old car that was, in reality, worthless. Three cars zoom by me so I start to move back on the road when another one comes out of nowhere and runs into the back of me. I spin off the road and end up going into a ditch. The air bags come out and hits me in the face. I look around feeling sore. I can't see the other car and there is no cars even on the road at this time. Parts of me stung from where the glass and cut me. I manage to get my bag that was next to me and see if my phone had survived. Nope, the screen was cracked and I have a thing with using broken phones. A lady got electicuted from using her phone that was as cracked as mine. Plus the battery was dead. Better wait till someone comes by. I use all my strength to open the door and manage to get it open. I pull myself and my bag out and pull myself out of the ditch. Further down I see the car that had hit me. I walk down that way as fast as I can, so not too fast, and go to see if the person was ok. I yank at his door and it opens luckily. He was bleeding and almost unconscious. I pull him out of the car. "I'm so sorry. My friends made me." He says in a slurred voice.

"It's fine. I didn't see you coming." I see his engine spark. "Let's go." I seem to gain a bit more strength and I pull us away from the car. We go over to my car and sit behind it. We hear a loud bang and we shield our ears. I look over and his car was in flames.

"Oh shit my dad is going to kill me." He says and puts his head in his hands.

"I don't think he will. He'll be happy that you're alive." I carefully rub his back. "What's your name?"

"Simon. What bout your name?"


"Like the one from The Masked Girls?"

"That would be me." He brings his head up slowly.

"I just about killed a celebrity. I'm a bad person." I laugh a little even though it hurts.

"I'm fine. Just a few bruises and cuts. You on the other hand could of been badly burned."

"Thanks for pulling me out of the car. I'll owe you for life."

"You owe me nothing. I just did what was right." He yawns.

"It's weird. I wasn't even the one drinking last night." We here sirens coming up and Simon and I stand up. The sun was just starting to rise. Simon stumbles a little so I put his arm over my shoulder and wince when I feel a piece of glass go deeper into my shoulder. The police cars pull up and they run over to help us.

"What happened?" The police lady says as she pulls me along.

"It was my fault ma'am. My friends pressure me into a race and I gave in. I ran into the back of Melody and we both went off the road."

"Have you been drinking?"

"He hasn't. I've been with him for the past hour and I can tell you that he has not been drinking." The police lady nods and the police man helps Simon.

Can Love Survive? ➳ Sequel to Found in the CrowdΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα