Chapter 12: Tas

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Chapter 12: Tas

I launch myself into my cousins arm. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"My mum said that she was going to visit so I decided to tag along." Tas wraps his arms around me.

"Don't you have school though?" It was his last year of school, he was younger than me by seven months and because the school systems work differently in New Zealand it meant that he was a year behind me at school.

"Nah, it's the holidays." I let go of him and look up at him.

"Does Cloudia know your here?"

"I haven't heard from her in months. I don't even know where she is." I gasp.

"You don't know where she is? She lives here." Tas' eyes widen.

"I thought she was only visiting you here when I last heard from her!"

"You really need to go on Facebook more often dude, seriously." I walk into the kitchen.

"Hey Aunty Sue." I go and give her a quick hug. From that point on it was all catching up and family talk. Tas and I would add in pieces every now and then, just like old times. My mum was estatic to have her sister here. Only after two hours of being here I decide to give Logan a call to tell him that I'll be staying the night at my mum's. I excuse myself and go into my old room and shut the door. I dial Logan's number and he picks up straight away, I bet he was still sitting in that same place texting.

"Hey Tinker-Bell. Where have you been?" He asks.

"I told you where I was going before I left..."

"Oh that's right, you're at your mum's."

"Anyway. I'm going to stay the night here, kay?"

"Sure. Go ahead." It was silent for a little while.

"Sooo... I guess I will see you tomorrow." I say.

"Yep. Bye Tinker-Bell." Logan hangs up. I know I sound like a... obsessed girlfriend or whatever but he didn't even ask why I was staying the night. I forget about it quickly and go to join my family again.


Tas and I had stayed up late talking in my old room talking. I wake up sprawled across his chest in the same clothes that I was wearing yesterday. I sit up, my eyes still closed, and turn my head in the direction of the mirror that stands in the corner. Slowly I open my eyes and look at my horrifying morning reflection. My hair was as crazy as a lion's mane! I groan quietly and look at the clock. It was 10am. "Tas." I nudge him. He rolls over. "Wake up."

"Why?" He says, not moving.

"Cause I want to do something fun with my cousin." Tas rolls over to face me and opens his eyes, his dirty blonde hair pointing in various directions.

"Fine. I'll get up. For you." I stand up and go to the dresser. I left some clothes here last time I was here and luckily they looked decent. I go to the bathroom and have a quick shower before putting on the black jeans and the lacey white t-shirt that I left here on. I go into the kitchen and Tas was already eating a bowl of cereal. I grab myself a bowl of Lucky Charms and sit next to Tas. "American cereal is AMAZING!" He says and I laugh at him.  After we finish eating we decide to go to the skate park. Tas had brought his board with him so we skate down the street. I lead him straight pass the skate park.

"Follow me!" I call bak to him.

"But the skate park is there Mel!" He calls back.

"I've decided that we're not going to the skate park anymore!"

"Then where are we going?!" I don't answer him. We stop outside the building where Cloudia and Sammy's cousin Emma live. I press the button that calls their apartment.

"Hello?" Emma answers.

"It's Mel." I say. The door swings open and I take Tas up to see Cloudia.

"Who's place is this?" He whispers.

"Hey M- TAS?!" Cloudia had the same reaction as me, but she was never one for hugs.

"Hey Cloudia." 

"What are you doing here?!"

"Came for a visit." Most of the day was spent catching up again. Cloudia was better than yesterday but still semi sick. It was late when we decided to go home. I had left my phone at my mum's place and forgot to call Logan. I grip onto Tas' arm and stand on my skate board so he can pull me down my street.

"Isn't the sky pretty tonight Tas?" I look up at the sky which was now pitch black with stars scattered everywhere. I hear I noise and look back in front of me. A dark figure was aproaching us.

"What is this?!" Logan come out of the darkness.

"I know, I completely forgot to call you-"

"I know it's been rough lately but you didn't have to cheat on me!" Logan yells, throwing his hands in the air.

"What?" I start laughing like crazy. Logan and Tas look at me like I AM crazy. "We're- I'm- I'm-" I try to talk but I was crying with laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" Logan asks in a calmer tone.

"Tas is my cousin." I laugh a little more. "I wouldn't cheat on you Logan, and even if Tas and I weren't related I would go for him."

"Hey!" Tas says slightly offended.

"Ohhh... I'm sorry." Logan says awkwardly.

"Do you mind if I stay at my mum's place again tonight? I'll come back home tomorrow night." I ask.

"Yeah sure. Love you Tinker-Bell." Logan pecks me on the lips before walking back in the direction of our place.

"Well... that was awkward." Tas says when we get back to my mum's.

"It was hilarious!" I sigh and get ready for bed.


A/N: Haha I had this chapter planned for a while. The next chapter I need to have a think about so when it comes to me a promise to write it as fast as I can and publish it :)

BTW: at the moment I am addicted to the Rags soundtrack, Max Schneider's voice is amazing! Don't think I am weird lol (even though I am)


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