Chapter 19: Behind My Back

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Chapter 19: Behind My Back

I carry the old cat puzzle across the road and back to my place. I'm not sure that doing a puzzle will help anything but it's worth a shot, right? I go inside and put the box on the coffee table in the lounge. Now, I wait. While I'm waiting I turn on the TV and naturally the celebrity news is on. But what the lady said I found extremely hard to process in my head.

"Is Logie-Puff over? That's is what we all want to know. Big Time Rush star Logan Henderson has been seen again tonight with none other than Miss Demi Lovato, the first time being about when Melody Matthews acting career ws taking off in the new show 'Hunters'. Only this time the two were seen HOLDING HANDS, Logan even planted a kiss on the pop sensation. But where does that leave Melody? Is it now 'Lemi' or 'Logie-Puff'?"

I fall to my knees, my head in my hands. How could I be so stupid? I should of known. From the time he ignored the call from her when I was there, all the times I caught him on the phone.

It was her.

I turn off the TV, tears were streaming down my face. Idiot, how the heck did I not see this before? I hear the door open, anger now filling me. "I'm home Mel!" Logan called out. I stand up, not turning in the direction of his voice. I was no longer crying, there was no reason to. I was a fool to ever trust him. "Mel?" I here Logan in the door way to the lounge.

"You weren't with the guys, were you." I say through clenched teeth. Logan stutters. "Tell me where you were." I turn to face him. I could see the faint tint of lipstick on his cheek.

"Please," My voice was slightly shaky now. "just, tell me where you were. I want to hear it from you." He shuts his eyes and puts his hand on his forehead. 

"I was out with Demi." He admits. 

"And tell me how many times you have been out with her."


"Tell me!" I snap. "Tell me... tell me how many times you have been out with her without telling me. Tell me how long you have been hiding this from me. Tell me for how long you were going to use me. Maybe if I hear it from you it will hurt less. I've already heard the basic stuff from the media!"

"You can't always believe the media!" Logan yells back. 

"You can if they have pictures to support it! And I mean legit pictures!"

"I wasn't using you!" I pick up the puzzle and throw it at him. 

"DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO ME HENDERSON! HAVEN'T I BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH?!" I scream as loud as I possibly can, pulling my hair in the process. 

"HAVEN'T I? You've been off working! I've been here! All alone!" He comes over to me. 

"Yeah! Well how the hell do you think I felt when you were off working on set?! When you went on tour?! But I didn't go off behind your back with some boy!"

"Demi is just a friend!" Logan defends himself, Demi also. 

"I don't give a flying pancake about you going out with Demi." I sigh frustratingly. "It's the fact that you did it multiple times behind my back and made it look like you were cheating on me. Which technically you were!" I regretted saying that last sentence, Logan looks pissed as... I don't even know how to explain how pissed he looks. He gets right in my face. 

"So what if I were?! Demi is far more interesting than you, and far more sane as well! She doesn't fangirl at the smallest things, and she has been through more than you ever have. More mature than you as well. A puzzle? You've got to be kidding me!" He picks up the box and throws it at the wall. Logan's eyes seemed black as coal. When I looked into them what looked out was not the man I fell in love with. 

"Haven't been through much, have I?" Logan's face was inches from mine. "You don't know half my story."

"What you gonna do about it? Run to your daddy for-" By that point I had no control over myself. My hand struck the side of Logan's face and he looked just as shocked as me. For a second we just stood there, but then the anger in me stirred again. 

"How could you?!" I scream. I run out the front door using curse words even I didn't know I knew. I had grabbed the keys to my car in my rush to leave and as soon as I had backed out of the driveway Logan was running after me. His figure becomes smaller the faster I drive. As I drive I seem to curse more. My phone buzzes in my pocket so I take it out and throw it out the window, not that I cared anyway cause it was my old Nokia. My iPhone was updating so I grabbed my other phone instead. The silent hum of the cars engine soothes me. I'm not sure how long I drove for until I pulled up in a place I had never seen before. The was only one building and nothing else for miles. That one building was, luckily, a motel. For a moment I just sit in my car, glaring out at the night sky. How can the outside world look so peaceful when I have so many emotions buzzing around inside me? Anger, sadness, hurt. Out off all things that Logan could of used as a comeback, he used the one thing that would destroy me. There was no 'running to daddy' for me. Absolutely none, unless he was intending for me to kill myself... which I would never do, even in my current state. I replay the whole fight through my head. 

Logan doesn't like my fangirling. 

That's like not liking any of me. I am a fangirl, there is no changing that. It's like asking a dog not to bark or a cat not to meow, taking away something essential to their character. It's not physically possibly for me not to fangirl just as it is not physically possible for a dog not to bark or a cat not to meow. 

'She has been through more than you ever have.'

'You don't know half my story.'

Well it was true that he didn't know half my story. I feel a ping of guilt and rest my head on the steering wheel. What am I going to do? I get out of my car and walk over to the motel.


A/N: Another update this week! Not a very happy update though... please comment what you think.


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