District 2 Female~ Aemilia Cassius

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Name: Aemilia Cassius

District: 2, Masonry

Age: 16


Weapon: A half and half sword is her weapon of choice, but she's also learned how to use throwing knives from her sister after receiving a handcrafted set for her mother.

Aemilia is as delicate looking as a winter flower. With soft blonde hair that falls straight down and past her shoulders, she tries her best to fit the stereotype of being a gorgeous career. Her teeth are as bright as possible and stand out against her bright pink lips and tanned skin. She also has a soft jaw and a slim figure that somehow still manages to hide the muscles she's been conditioning since she was ten. Her height is 5' 5" making her shorter than both of her siblings. If she could fix one thing it would be her sea-green eyes, she wishes they were a prettier, brighter color such as blue or purple even if she had the option to change them. Still, it's rare to see her without a polite smile and attentive expression.

Personality: It's hard growing up with other siblings, always being compared with those who came before you. Aemilia is used to it, however, her demeanor quiet and resigned to leave room for Cleo and Drusus, her older siblings. She has learned to keep people at an arm's length and isn't very good at making friends even though she's an excellent speaker. Competitive and ambitious like many other tributes from two, she often goes the route of lies and sweet talking over telling the truth.

Strengths: Trained in both general wielding and special techniques, she is an excellent fighter and has the strength to knock even her older brother off his feet. Aemilia is also increasingly clever and considers herself a strategist above all else.

Unfortunately, she is in constant need of approval. If something goes wrong, Aemilia has a tendency to dwell on it longer than necessary and often apologizes more times than necessary for doing something incorrectly. She's also loyal to anyone that stays with her long enough to really get under her skin, even if Cleo has told her time and time again that that will get her killed.

Backstory: Standing in someone's shadow is never a pleasant experience. Born in a fairly well off District Two family, with a blacksmith for a mother and a peacekeeper for a father, it can be hard to play catch up when you're always two years behind. "You look just like your sister" or "your brother was top of his sparring class" were words that followed her wherever she went. It was never too horrible, she herself was good enough in the academy, able to rise to the top ten within the first month or so of arriving. Much like her brother, she grew up with the intention to be a Peacekeeper, although she did it because she wanted to travel and he did because... well because he thought it was fun to beat the snot out of someone else.

Then when she was 13 their family gained a victor. To be fair, they had always had one, her uncle Thomas, but when her sister Cleo was drawn and emerged victoriously? It put a whole new set of expectations on Aemilia's shoulders. She was forced to learn her sister's weapon of choice, to take the same classes, to try to live up to an unattainable goal. When it had first happened, she thought maybe it was a blessing, now they had a new victor in the family from her generation, that it would be enough to placate their parents. It wasn't. Her brother had already moved on and out of the house to be a Peacekeeper in the Capital when her name was drawn in the reaping. There was no way to escape it, so now her only choice is to win to prove that she's just as good as her sister.

Token: The same one her sister carried into the arena, a golden locket with a picture of each of her siblings inside.  

Author Games: PanemdemicWhere stories live. Discover now