Task Two: The Fallen

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26. District 3 Male: Remult Tedusius

Perhaps it was simply that constant compulsiveness to survive that led Remult Tedusius to step from his pedestal just one second too soon, or his way of sacrifice so that another could live in his place. No one knew what went on inside the head of the boy as one foot slipped, activating the mines embedded in the earth below his pedestal. Surrounding tributes were showered in blood and gore as he became nothing more than the first cannon. Though many viewers were disappointed in his premature demise, the death was dismissed as nothing more than poor odds for District 3's male tribute.


25. Capital Male: Nicostratus 'Nico' Bassius

As desperation kicked in for each tribute struggling to reach a mask, one of the Capital's very own tributes met an unfortunate end. Reaching for a mask, Nicostratus Bassius found himself in the clutches of a stronger tribute. Helpless without a weapon, it was obvious from the start Nico was at a disadvantage. Mothers covered the eyes of their children as the boy was thrown to the ground, punch after punch thrown at his face. Blood mixed with the blue of his florescent hair, seeping from his nose and mouth. Eventually, it became too much, and his flailing arms went limp, cannon sounding.


24. District 11 Male: Kanyon Mace

Skilled in the art of taekwondo and being talented with his fists, few expected Kanyon Mace to be one of the first deaths in a weaponless arena. Managing to snatch a mask from the rim of the fountain and slip it around his neck, Kanyon managed to gain a few feet of distance before another tribute stuck a foot out unexpectedly, catching the boy from 11 off guard. As he fell to the ground, Kanyon's opponent pulled at the mask, choking him. All the martial arts in the world and charisma in his personality could free his airway for the oxygen he needed.


23. District 8 Male: Zen Palladius

Right from the start, the boy from District 8 had been at a disadvantage due to his nearsighted vision. Indeed, as he squinted into the distance, lumbering towards the fountain, he could barely tell what the hanging gas masks were. As his fingers touched one to adjust it at a better angle, another tribute came up to him from behind. Zen's glasses shattered as his head was bashed against the fountain once, twice, and soon he could only see a blur of scarlet. And then? Nothing, for the third bash cracked his skull, adding a collection of brains to fountain's already foul waters.


22. District 10 Male: Wavelet

As his pedestal rose into the arena, the boy from District 10 was pummelled with an onslaught of memories as signs of disease appeared everywhere around him. The livestock owner who had taken care of him back at home had passed away due to disease; it was just too much. Trudging to the fountain, he barely touched a gas mask before another tribute tackled him, hoping to retrieve the gas mask Wavelet had possessed. And though the Capital rooted for him to fight back against his assailant, Wavelet did nothing. Some say they heard him whisper his brother's name just before he died.


21. District 5 Male: Ralos 'Ray' Greenwich

The intelligent boy from District 5 was one many thought would evade the perils of the bloodbath with his unique collection of skills. However, it wasn't meant to be. As the fourteen-year-old fetched a mask from the selection on the fountain, he turned to run, only to fly right into the grasp of another tribute. Pushed back against the fountain, Ralos was shoved in the water by his adversary, head submerged. Unskilled in hand-to-hand combat, the boy thrashed, albeit unsuccessfully. District 5 mourned the loss of such a bright mind, despite Ray's apparent unfriendliness- they, along with his family, had had high hopes.


20. District 9 Male: Kaleo May

Watching his sister run off into the distance, abandoning him to the wrath of those who had almost killed her, Kaleo May was faced with multiple opponents at once, who all seemed slightly angered by his interference. Trying to avoid taking another's life, the boy from District 9 reverted to charm, attempting to reason with his attackers. However, words did no good for him, and Pimbep, by that point, was too far away to hear his cry for help. Though he fought valiantly to the end, Kaleo was, in time, overpowered, and all the pretty things in the world were stained by blood.


19. District 13 Female: Cordelia Karmitta

The last of the tributes to fall during the bloodbath, Cordelia Karmitta- a tribute both Gamemakers had had high hopes for- managed to scamper away from the fountain with her life, despite that she hadn't retrieved a mask. But already, the consequences of her fight were many- during the battle, Cordelia had been caught off guard and shoved into the grotesque waters of the fountain. Though she subsequently fended off the aggressor, the girl from 13 had accidentally swallowed some of the water, the toxins in which took quick effect upon her. She collapsed limping away from the scene, never to rise again.


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