District 6 Male~ Train Wreck

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Name: Train Wreck

District: Six

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Male

Weapon: None. Though if there happened to be a wrench he could throw in the path of someone, he would use it.

Appearance: Contrary what his name may suggest, Train Wreck is not a literal train wreck. He is a living, breathing human who may be noticeable when with the other kids in his orphanage with his height of 5'10 – and the fact that he's one of the oldest – but in a sea of dishevelled dark hair and chocolate brown eyes that is the majority of Six, he stands out like a gear in a functioning clock tower. Never one to give a crap about his appearance, his clothes are typically scruffy, stained with splotches of lord-knows-what, as is his face which has slight blemishes he couldn't care less about. The constant urge of his to fidget around, whether it be tapping his foot or drumming his fingers on a surface, tends to slip under most people's radar. Additionally, Train's lanky physique paired with his limp from a childhood accident create a clumsy young man, so he's become quite used to apologising to others.

 Additionally, Train's lanky physique paired with his limp from a childhood accident create a clumsy young man, so he's become quite used to apologising to others

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Personality: Though his childhood years have not been the kindest, Train tries to look at things in a different light – a shining, shimmering, splendid light. Okay, that might have been an exaggeration, but there's no doubt that he's a compassionate optimist, always trying to cheer up the upset when needed. Keeping his lack of self confidence buried underneath a mildly cheerful facade, he does end up selfless to a level of extremity, though that opens up another level of gullibility. Hailing from Panem's most populous district, his social skills aren't nonexistent, even though they're less refined than most.

Strengths: Train would be the kind of person who would either snag a sponsorship for his unique take on negative things, or simply slip under the noses of everyone. As it's been mentioned before, he'll help just about anyone in trouble and he's kind enough that it'll earn him a few allies. Strength in numbers after all. His self conscience wouldn't allow him to leave any of his so-called newfound friends behind, the guilt trip would leave scars much deeper than those of the train accident.

Weaknesses: Physically, Train's limp would be a hindrance if he were to find himself being chased by the Careers, or simply needing to climb a tree for a rest, not that there were many trees back in his district, much less any that he could climb. He isn't exactly the best at running either. District Six's lack of weapon knowledge only strengthens the fact that Train cannot handle one without questioning his ability, as well as fearing for hurting his allies. Oh and about allies, he's also pretty reliant on just about anyone who's willing to help him. At least he can serve as a distraction if they happen to be on the run from an enemy. He'd be more than happy to sacrifice himself. Now, if only he weren't so gullible in the face of those who'd use him as nothing but a tool.

Backstory: He does not recall much from the years before he was ten years old, save from the fact that he had parents, both lost to a fatal train accident. The boy himself narrowly avoided the worst of the casualties and managed to exit the wreckage in one piece, albeit with several scratches to his body as well as two broken legs. Like any normal child involved in such a life-altering experience, trauma embedded itself in his mind, making sure that everything he once knew was gone – including his name, and leaving behind two shaky words which were the only ones he could utter for several months: train wreck. Without any form of identification available to doctors, the name grew on him. Recovery returned Train's legs and ability to walk, although a limp remained in one, and eventually, had him deemed healthy enough (by District Six's standards) to be placed in the orphanage he has known as his home. His life in the orphanage fared no better than that of any typical District Six citizen, but a near-miracle occurred when he found a friend in another boy of a similar age named Cord. The duo eventually became best friends as they grew up, with the already nonexistent chance of getting adopted lowering by the year. At the reaping, Train volunteered in place of the boy who was reaped – a much younger child from the same orphanage – for he felt that the injuries from his childhood would hold him back from being able to find a proper job once he turned eighteen.

Token: Nothing – he sees taking something into the arena with him as being selfish, for if he had to be reminded of any part of his life in the district, it would be his memories with Cord, of which he feels are all safely stored in his mind. He can't exactly go anywhere without that, can he?

Author Games: PanemdemicWhere stories live. Discover now