Pre-Game Evaluations

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The Gamemakers have both evaluated the tributes based on the information given in their forms to create an overall score of where they seem to land as a threat/how long they will survive. At the conclusion of Panemdemic, a post-game evaluation will be created that will reflect how accurate these predictions were.

Please note that these evaluations are mostly based off of what has been said in the tribute's form, not the quality or length of the form. We apologize if some of you were worried about this as your writing has improved greatly from the time you wrote your form. The quality of the writing shouldn't affect your feedback too much, unless your form had an alarming amount of mistakes to the point where it took away from the information presented or exhibited a profound lack of effort in your form. These tributes generally scored lower than a 6. Additionally, this score will NOT count towards any rankings. These evaluations are more for the purpose of your entertainment (and ours).

A Note of Clarification Regarding the Gamemakers: Vice Gamemaker Gorgeous Lasse exists for the purpose of storyline only. Scores will still be given by Paella the person, despite her persona's absence.


District 1 Male: Paris De La Cruz

Paella's Score: 9.75

Pluto's Score: 9.25

9.5 (Final Score)

Paella's Feedback~ Hey, Curly Fry. You seem like a promising guy. Most flirts don't end up in the dirt- not to mention that you pay attention. I sense something brewing- you know what you're doing. Find an ally, and I think you'll get by. You seem worth pursuing, but that anxiety could be your undoing. Everybody's a fan of drama, and you've got the key to that- unspoken trauma. Spill soon, or you're a slightly boring tune. Unless, of course, you have an attack... but by then you're a tasty snack.

Pluto's Feedback~ One Paris, two Paris, charismatic Paris, strategic Paris. At my first glance, you look to be a good tribute from one. A usual blonde haired boy, though you might not need a weapon because that jawline can cut through anything. There seems to be something missing from you, and I can't seem to put my finger on it. It's as if you're a puzzle with one piece missing.


District 1 Female: Aroma Fastner

Paella's Score: 9.25

Pluto's Score: 8.75

9 (Final Score)

Paella's Feedback~ Miss Aroma, I sincerely apologize, but I can't imagine that smile won't be wiped away soon. Now, it's great that you love to talk and are an open book because everyone will get to know you better, but there's a point where you just need to stop talking. There's also a point where you need to keep some things to yourself, or else you won't have anything that could continue to spur people on. However, if you can find some romance in the arena, you could be quite promising considering your flirtatiousness.

Pluto's Feedback~ There seems to a be a nice odor from District one this year. With you being in  a family of a perfumers, and your district mate's sibling's profession. You'll both have the pocketful of posies against the putrid smell of disease, which might be a good thing, so thank you. I pity your name, what parent would name their kid that, and with the family profession like Hello Mrs. Pun,. How much were you bullied in your youth?

Author Games: PanemdemicWhere stories live. Discover now