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District 8 Female: Rhea Charon


Rhea was crying.  


District 10 Female: Raya Vinaia



District 12 Male: Blaze Orion

Blaze woke up with a start, beads of sweat prickling his forehead, his body feverish and trembling. This was sickness. Even just standing up left him on unsteady footing, every step made his world spin. He barely recognised where he was before tripping over his own feet and crashing face first into the floor. The pounding in his head definitely did not appreciate that, hammering away at his skull that much harder. His body ached all over, his muscles refused to cooperate with him, his bones only weighing him down.

Blaze was weak; he didn't want to know how it had all come to this, but in his head, it was all clear as glass. Cradling his head in his hands, curled on the floor, Blaze realised that life was an irreversible hourglass. Now that he had lost so much he was scrambling for that non-existent rewind button. He remembers a time when he hated life, he detested it for its unfairness, he was disgusted by its injustice. That felt like centuries ago. His heartbeat was erratic, like a drum beating out of time. Anguish fell onto him like falling bricks of an old bridge, one by one, each one just as hard as the last. It was a continuous torture, a constant pain beating against his heart. It was regret. The regret of wasting so much of his lifetime, the regret of taking life for granted. It was regret that held the heaviest bricks, it was regret that hurt the most.

Just as he felt like everything had been drained from him, just as he felt like he was finally giving up. Something, no someone was lifting him up. His eyelids heavy, he allowed the strong, albeit a little bony, arms to carry him. He was too tired to resist, instead, he let his eyes fully close and the world of slumber overtake his senses.

Blaze felt a slight sting in his arm, but once again, his tired eyes refused to stretch open before he had fallen asleep once more.

Blinking, Blaze felt as if he were floating. There was an odd, almost ethereal light around him. He rubbed his eyes, trying to get a better sense of where he was. Yet, as he reopened his eyes he was in a room. He was in a bed, but he couldn't move. For a moment, Blaze felt his palms go sweaty. Yet, as the body moved, he quickly realised he was watching a memory of sorts from a first person view. He could even feel the person's unwillingness to get out of bed even though they weren't his own emotions. The body moved in front of a mirror, and Blaze realised that this was the Capitol boy with the electric blue hair, Nico.

Blaze was watching Nico go through his usual morning routine, and all seemed calm. Blaze had gotten used to the occasional pangs of foreign emotion by now. It was a weird sensation, but it made him feel as though he really understood the blue haired boy.

Suddenly, a woman, presumably a maid, burst through the room's doors with tears flying off her face.

Your parents are dead Nico! Your parents are dead!

That sensation of foreign emotion suddenly increased tenfolds into a tornado of panic and utter horror. Nico had lost all sense of logic as he raced through the corridors of the mansion towards his parents' room. It was early in the morning, pale sunlight still shone in rippling ribbons through the curtains, but Nico had no time to stop and admire the view. His feet were pounding against the carpet, his cascading tears slipping between his gritted teeth and chapped lips.

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