District 12 Male~ Blaze Orion

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Name: Blaze Orion




Weapon: Blaze being rather slim, he prefers lighter weapons like daggers or a set of bow and arrows.

Slim and small, Blaze never stood out of the bunch, just melting in nicely. With his unimpressive height of 5'8 it is ever the more difficult. His soft brown locks, common amongst the poor district, frames his head in swirls. Never one to care too much about his appearance, his hair is often messy the entire day, as if he just woke up. He has fair skin and a face smooth like a baby. His hands, not so much, much rougher from work.

Personality: Blaze was never, will never be the outgoing type. Often afraid to make eye contact with the people he is speaking with, he stutters over his words a lot. Expressing himself is an art he has yet to master. Underneath of his quirky, awkward outer side, he bares a bitterness to the world, a hatred so strong that no one can quite understand. He controls himself well nowadays, but the beast inside is still ramming against the cage Blaze has put it in.

Strengths: Living by himself for so long, Blaze has learnt to fend for himself very well, and knows exactly how to survive even the harshest of conditions. This has also given him a sense of independence, and he does not need to rely on anyone else. His small stature also helps him hide and crawl through small spaces easily.

To put it bluntly, Blaze is scared of himself, terrified even. He's terrified of losing control, terrified of letting that pain and bitterness consume his soul. Physically, Blaze is definitely not very strong, naturally not a great runner nor have much arm strength.

Backstory: At age 13 Blaze's parents kicked him out because they had found out about his sexuality, he struggled on the streets for years, until he found an abandoned shack at the very edge of the district. From there his life had finally somewhat stabilise, he found himself a job at the mines, and finally felt like he was doing something right. That was until he was reaped.

Token: Blaze has nothing memorable, he has no loved ones, no nothing to remember.  

Author Games: PanemdemicWhere stories live. Discover now