District 3 Male~ Remult Tedusius

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Name: Remult Tedusius

District: Three

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Male

Weapon: Remult has unskilled hands; he goes weaponless, weak, withered

Appearance: Remult's brown hair is memorable of an oak tree before autumn, dimming in life but not yet dying. It is wave-like with no concept of the seas, and brisk and smooth like wind without seeming airborne. It's the earth, fallen down to his forehead, superimposing skin rather than attaching to it. His eyes are a dull green; in dark nights, they glow like an emerald within a mountainous cave. But at other times, they are nothing but grime and root. He stands tall, chest a little heavy, legs a little too long. He's never balanced.

Personality: Remult is too considerate for his own good. He gives everything and receives nothing; he slices his soul in unequal parts just to lose them. He's always uncomfortable and his mind is constantly whirring, mostly because he accepts a pile of burdens while feeling like one himself. Thus, he's rarely seen letting go, at release, but rather searching for something. Remult is not exactly lost, but certainly must be found. Despite these lonely qualities, Remult is fond of family and meaningful connections. Always wanting conversation, but never in the midst of it, Remult is never balanced.

Strengths: Remult has grown to an unbelievable stature of independence. He handles conflicts with finesse and is excellent at discovering solutions to the world's cleverest puzzles. His head is good at picturing what's ahead, so he's able to quickly deal with any problem. Remult is constantly on edge, so he's on immediate alert whenever in trouble, never balanced.

Weaknesses: He'd rather die than live on behalf of another. Remult hasn't learned how to live guiltless, deeming favors a sign of weakness. It's not a matter of human pride, but a deeply rooted fear that he'll be the cause of his own death. That he's not in control of the future. So, Remult overcompensate and does everything himself, a compulsive at unrest, never balanced.

Backstory: Remult is the son of an experimental physicist, a man with incomprehensible beliefs and ideas. His mother has no stated career, but her head is captured by the dreamer's disease, stuck in a middle ground between reality and beyond. Both of Remult's parents are fascinated by what cannot be understood, so he learned early how fact is different from thought. His positive opinion of his mother and father contradict how negatively he views their daily life, but as their son he loves them nonetheless. He's the sole sibling of many to belie oxymoron and go against the family life of reverie. Instead, he walks concretely. However, it is he, Remult Tedusius, who is never balanced.

Token: N/A

Author Games: PanemdemicWhere stories live. Discover now