District 7 Male~ Elm Woods

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Name: Elm Woods

District: Seven; Lumber

Age: 17; Eighteen

Gender: Male

Weapon: Elm's specialty would be swords, but he has also learned exceptionally well with knives especially after Aspen's death because he wanted something to remember her by. The fact that he will use her strengths to gain the revenge he seeks also makes the fact that he has learned them to near perfection even better.

Appearance: With the typical soft brown hair of any boy from Seven, Elm has faint linings of what seems to be golden strands of hair when the sun shines brightly on the brown, the light catching the perfect angle. There's only a few, and all of them difficult to see under most circumstances, but when the light is at it's brightest, the moment itself calling upon something extraordinary, it seems that his hair gives him just that. Other that that, his eyes also stand out when he is among those of his district. The color a mix of what seems to be blue, green and gray, the true shade can never be defined for it seems that it's always changing, and it's all really a matter of who's looking. He stands at an average height of 5' 9'', something he really doesn't pay much attention to. Usually, his face is relaxed and a casual smile plays on his lips, but ever since the last year when Aspen was reaped, it seems as if he has lost his glimmer and his face has slightly aged because of his own depression. Nonetheless, he is still to be called handsome.

Personality: Elm's boundaries extend to what seems to be the kindest of souls, and yet, his eyes can also truly scare others when he chooses for the flames of anger within them to ignite. With his family, friends and Aspen, he was a gentle guy who truly cared. He would make jokes, and be the charming and sweet guy anyone could hope for. With those he prefers to call enemies, he excels at intimidation and will do anything, whatever the limits may be, to do what he needs to do for those he loves. He is loyal to those he cares about, and the few he truly trusts are those he trusts completely. He doesn't let too many people in, but when they do get past his guarded circle, they're there for life. Elm has only the best of intelligence, much better than the average of his age, and that's something he especially respects in those around him after loyalty and trustworthiness.

Strengths: Being clever is important, and Elm has always been one to think of creative ways to get out of seemingly impossible solutions, and his common sense is nothing lower than almost perfection. He is not easily blinded, and his judgment is difficult to be clouded. His independence keeps his decision stuck, and his mind is not easily changed. His legs are long enough to carry him across the ground quickly, and his running skills are top-notch, and happen to be even better than Aspen.

Weaknesses: Sometimes, independence can be Elm's downfall. It isn't necessarily always a good thing to have your decision always set, and never to be budged. Also, Ash means a lot to him, just as much as the other two Kinsley siblings, and if Ash was to be in trouble, Elm would be trapped within the crisscrossing branches of a forest prison he could possibly never escape. He is also often influenced by others, and to see someone else better than him can get on his nerves at times. He will do anything to fix his flaw and get that #1 spot. Usually, for him and others, perfection is considered a weakness. It does however randomly appear and disappear, so he will only be a perfectionist at certain times which, in the past, have proven to come with no defined pattern.

Backstory: Elm grew up as an only child under working parents who cared about him and his education, but only to an extent. He does love his family, but he has found a more sufficient home within the Kinsley siblings. Even though he was a full five years younger than Aspen's older sibling twins, Ash and Willow, he forged a strong friendship with Ash. From then on, he found the siblings he never had, and while he spent most of his time with Ash, Willow and Aspen held large places in his heart as well.

At Aspen's reaping, Ash noticed Elm's emotions that seemed to go beyond just siblings. He questioned his faithful friend, his brother by choice, and Elm confessed the feelings he had for the girl who was only a year younger than him. He told Ash that he had loved the girl he had grown up with, the friend he didn't know if he'd ever be able to talk to again. To Ash, Elm was a younger brother, and together, they faced Aspen's downhills. They watched as she passed challenge after challenge, and evantually, as she fell to the ground in blood just as Willow once had. At her death Elm felt the need for vengeance, and with regret of never telling the girl he loved of his true feelings flooding his heart, he began that quest. He will do whatever he can to find the revenge he seeks, for not only the girl he loved, but also Willow, the sister he respected.

Token: The bracelet that was once worn by Ash, then Willow, and then Aspen, has been gifted to him by Ash, and he wears with pride in remembrance of not only Aspen, but also the sister of the family who was almost just as close.

Other: Elm volunteered for the Games despite Ash's wishes. He wants to do all that Willow and Aspen never could. He wants to avenge the death of the girl he loved, and his burning passion to find that vengeance makes him so much more dangerous than the other tributes. 

Author Games: PanemdemicWhere stories live. Discover now