District 3 Female~ Kaya Maldoran

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Name: Kaya Maldoran

District: 3

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Weapon: Rope

Appearance: Kaya's appearance is just as vibrant as her personality. The first thing anyone notices is her bright blue hair, which hangs in choppy waves just above her shoulders. It contrasts with her pale skin, making her seem paler than she really is. Her eyes are a hue that constantly switches between blue and grey, shifting constantly. Similarly colorful, Kaya's clothing is a mishmash of colors and fabrics. She often wears an army green jacket with pink sleeves, and any number of leggings with bright colors. Despite her slight build, Kaya's tall for her age, which makes her seem older than she actually is. This is negated slightly by the playful smile often on her lips and mischievous gleam in her eyes.

Personality: Sweet and innocent, Kaya is the kind of person that is easily taken advantage of. Due to her soft upbringing, she sees the world through rose colored glasses. Naivety and kindness are a default for her, and she has an innocent, fragile aura that both attracts and repels people from her. Kaya has an extreme aversion to violence and arguing, yet she herself can be extremely violent if pushed far enough.

Strengths: She's able to run quickly, and has excellent instincts, though she doesn't often act on them. Kaya is also remarkably good at anything to do with ropes, almost as good as a District Four tribute, due to hours of studying and playing with them.

Weaknesses: Kaya is gullible, and easily fooled into thinking that enemies are allies. She often gets lost without someone to guide her. In addition, physical strength is something she has little of, and despite coming from Three, she's not exactly the brightest bulb on the tree.

Backstory: Sweet and full of laughter, Kaya has never really known what life outside her own home is like. She's the youngest of four, and her siblings and father have all sheltered her from the outside. Her father views her as the last remnant of her mother, since his wife died giving birth to Kaya. As a result, he treats her like a porcelain doll, and the rest of his family has followed suit. Therefore Kaya has a very naive view, and rarely distrusts people. This has caused her to get into trouble often, most notably when she was thirteen and almost wandered past district lines before her sister realized she was missing. Since then, Kaya has relied on her siblings to take care of her.

Token: A pen

Author Games: PanemdemicWhere stories live. Discover now