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Hello everyone,

No, this isn't the scores, unfortunately. Apologies for the false alarm. Though the scores will be posted within a few hours, there are a few matters that need to be addressed before we move on.

As some of you may have noticed or heard about from me, there have been a few difficulties throughout Author Games: Panemdemic regarding hosting. Truth be told, the two Gamemakers running this account do not work very well together, and for us, these games have just been constant arguing and annoyance with each other, to the point where it is damaging our friendship. I won't go in depth with all the drama between Pluto and I, but I will say that these issues have been relevant since The Author Games: Literature. Many of these issues were left unresolved, which has created a tense environment that neither you, the competitors in our Games, or we as Gamemakers should have to endure any longer. We've tried hard to resolve these issues with each other, but it this point it seems like our cohost relationship is beyond repair.

As many breakups go, our interests in what Panem_ is and should aspire to be are very different from each other's, and our priorities lie in different places. That being said, it's been really hard to make something work when it's just not working. Because of this, Pluto and I have decided that it would probably be for the best if we weren't business partners. It is to my knowledge that this probably should have been announced earlier, rather than to drag you guys on wondering why there's been one combined initial score, instead of "Paella's Score" and "Pluto's Score". The reality of it is, we've been separated for a while now. I apologize for not having said something earlier, and I apologize it many of you feel led on.

However, this isn't to say Pluto has done nothing for these Games. I will not undermine Pluto; he contributed to many things throughout Panemdemic- it just comes down to the fact that we've been on opposing sides from a while now, and he has been absent in recent tasks, due to our separation.

All in all, the point of this announcement was to inform all of you what's been going on behind the scenes of this account. If you haven't figured it out already, Pluto will no longer be gamemaking on Panem_ for creative difference. Pluto Solaris in the Panemdemic story will still be making an appearance, but know that the Gamemaker the character represents is no longer with us.

Note that this does not mean Panemdemic is canceled. I will be continuing with the Games solo- though the separation occurred a while ago, so this shouldn't make a difference. I apologize for any inconveniences that may arise from this. If you have any questions about this matter, feel free to send a PM.

Until next time,


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