District 9 Male~ Kaleo May

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Name: Kaleo May

District: Nine; Grain

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Weapon: He's most familiar with a scythe, though he wouldn't be opposed to gathering up something a bit more out of his league and expertise, like a sword, or some set of arrows.

Appearance: Though Kaleo, in general, is quite forgettable, his appearance only goes to support that stance halfway. There's a special sort of attractability to his looks, with a rather defined, but distinct, face. His lips are thin, his eyes are spaced, his brows are flat - but they all give in to that look that screams Kaleo. For the most part, he keeps up with himself, tending to brown strands so they're never falling in his face or getting long enough to be yanked by other hands. He, like his "sister," if one could call her that, dresses well. Never rags, never grimy. He's shorter than his sister, too, standing at a height of 5'5" but still a bit broad; he's not intimidating, but welcoming. The same goes for his eyes which, although they're a cold grey-blue, are always staring off at something playfully.

Personality: Kaleo is quite colorful, spanning different triangles on the spinning wheel. There's something about him that's lively, whether it be the selfless kindness he exhibits or the well-timed jokes; whether it be the positivity that follows him or the hard-working behavior stuck in the creases of his palms. People tend to enjoy his company more than they do Pimbep's, to say the least. There is, however, a twitchiness to his demeanor, something fidgety to take note of. And it's not hard to see, either. When he gets too "hoppy," something's up, and when he's not "hoppy" enough, something's up. There always seems to be something eating at him. For the most part, though, he's completely stable and well-liked. And he drinks in the likability with little to no questioning. In that sense, he's gullible. In that sense, he's wide.

Strengths: Once again, he's got a considerable amount of strength and he's not too bogged down by anything else. He's also quite likable, which would work in his favor from things spanning from alliances to sponsors. He's doubtful on achieving the latter, but one can hope. That's another thing, too: hope. It'll take much to get him down and stuck in all that teenage angst the more recent games are determined to pull out of their tributes.

Weaknesses: Angst can be kept at bay, yes, but he's still got a rolling sense of anxiety that he's never been all that great at keeping steady. He's more prone to panic, and as such, he likely won't be the one calling the shots; he's more of a follower, and because of his gullibility, he can be taken advantage of easily in an alliance. He's also not too keen on the idea of killing, or the "it's him or me" view of things. He's not going to like this, not at all.

Backstory: His lifestyle isn't much different than those of others in the district, aside from the fact that he's altogether better off in many ways. This might be attributed to the small bit of inheritance that came in once those parents of his passed off, for they'd included him in his will despite not being of blood relation. He also contributes to the hard labor of the family, as his grandmother (or rather, Pimbep's - he still doesn't like referencing her relatives as his own just because he feels like he's stealing something away by doing that) is incapable of the field work and Pim has the skill to focus on smaller things. As for childhood, he'd been passed down to the Cottage's simply because they were old family friend's with his parents. It was illness that took them, but he's still grateful nonetheless and doesn't mope. Things are easier than he thinks they should be.

Token: He's got an appreciation for pretty things (which, with his attitude, seems to be everything he lays his eyes on), so he's bringing in an ink-pen so he can jot down all the things he wants to remember. He figures writing on his arm will remind him there's still things to get back to, despite having to go up against his sister. What a bummer. 

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