Capitol Male~ Nicostratus "Nico" Bassius

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Name: Nicostratus "Nico" Bassius

District: Capitol

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Weapon: Throwing Knives

Appearance: Despite his somewhat attractive looks, the immediate eye-catcher is Nico's fluorescent blue hair. Slightly ruffled and messy, with lighter colored bangs parted to the right. Dull blue eyes peer under his bang parting. His rosy pink lips are constantly found in a neutral expression or a frown, as he is never found content with anything. His jawline and cheekbones are slightly defined, adding shadows to his porcelain white skin. He has a fairly tall build, standing at around 5'10", and has a slender build. He is often found in dark colors to represent the grief and emptiness he has inside.

Personality: Nico is a very sullen young man as he is easily set off by the tiniest of inconveniences. He is very quiet and reserved, only speaking out when he feels something has been taken to an extreme. Even to his closest friends, Nico shows no other feelings than sadness, and irritation. He does things in a straightfoward manner, never taking any changes or detours. He knows how to deal with situations by himself due to living alone for quite a bit.

Strengths: He is agile due to extensive training and his slender build.

His lack of empathy can come in handy when his conscience kicks in after a murder.

Weaknesses: The smallest of inconveniences set him off, so a major twist thrown at him will set off a bomb.

Backstory: Nico was born to a pair of famous string orchestra players. They were well known around the Capitol due to their outstanding performances in the Philharmonic Orchestra. Filled with the greed and selfishness fame has given them, they neglected Nico a lot. They often mistreated him and chose glory over family. They sent him to training so that they could spend time away from him. The thought of running away always lingered in his mind. It went on until the cursing went silent on the morning of his fifteenth. Both parents, brutally stabbed. As Nico walked into the room, they were at the edge of their life. Their final words would forever haunt him.

Author Games: PanemdemicNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ