District 7 Female~ Kaelyn 'Kaylee' Menorr

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Name: Kaelyn "Kaylee" Menorr [Kay-lin Meh-nor]. But Kaylee had been forgotten.

District: 7

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Weapon: Throwing knives would be preferred, but an axe could work as well.

Appearance: Beauty had been weaved into Kaelyn's life code since birth. When the people passed by her on the streets, they admired her eyes; how the blue of them was so fresh, crystal. Their gazes flicked over her hair, and they commented how lovely, how lush and dark it is. They watched her thin smile spread across her face, said how sweet and delicate it is. But those who peered at her for more than a mere moment's worth of time - they were the ones who met the one called Kaelyn, who took the uneasy steps back, knowing not of the the eerie feeling that crept up their backs. Because the blue eyes changed to something as forbidding as a layer of frigid ice, and the smile seemed to have suddenly been laced with traces of vice. They said no more.

Personality: Kaelyn was born into the shadow of her sister, but she was always content to remain under those wings, and they sheltered the blossom of light that budded. When the wings were struck down, however, the blossom began to wither; harsh reality began to falter the light, and Kaelyn became only a ghost of her previous self - it was then Kaelyn and Kaylee, a yin and yang in one body. Where Kaylee's sparkle had once twinkled in their eyes, there was a layer of Kaelyn's ice that had frozen over; both their words, once chipper, had been morphed into a tone chillingly serene as Kaelyn and Kaylee separated. Kaelyn became the girl who was whispered about; the strange girl who wandered the streets and forests, the one who had seemingly turned ice-cold over the death of her beloved sister. Kaylee was the girl who was only a whisper in faded memory, long forgotten by the people. They only knew Kaelyn.

Strengths: Whilst she cannot be the fastest runner for miles around, Kaylee is still nimble and agile on her feet; Kaelyn's hand in direct combat with anything other than an axe are less than mediocre, but she is deadly from a distance when knives are in her hands. Kaelyn's not particularly clever as others, but she has enough intellect to pass as someone intelligent - but above all, Kaelyn is utterly ruthless; when she kills, she will not bat an eye, will not glance back another time.

Weaknesses: If she has to swim, it'll be unlikely Kaelyn can persist through, and to go hand-to-hand in a fight, she has the severe disadvantage. Her other weaknesses can only be mental, Kaylee's weaknesses; but perhaps it will be a while until they can be truly pinpointed.

Backstory: Her family was a quiet one. The times Kaelyn and her parents were face-to-face, eye meeting eye, were few and far in between; yet it hadn't always been that way. There was once a time where another girl too abided the home - one with brilliant red curls cascading down her back and a wide, vivid smile, but with the very same ocean-hued eyes as Kaelyn. She was the one who fashioned the glue of the family, somehow forming a light of happiness to erase the weariness from their parents' eyes, and bubbling laughter to escape Kaelyn's lips. She was nice but funny, understanding and strong. And as her name was called, Kaelyn did not fret to the level she should have - because, surely, her sister would emerge as the Victor of her Hunger Games. Then were the times that Kaylee was no more than a fragment of Kaelyn, only a simple nickname, only the marking of the times when Kaelyn was happy.

Token: A silver silk ribbon of her sister's, tied around her wrist or perhaps her hair.

Other: It's mainly Kaelyn in control in her body. Only sometimes will Kaylee pop up... so if I say "she" it'll be Kaelyn unless Kaylee's mentioned

Author Games: PanemdemicWhere stories live. Discover now