District 13 Male~ Xander McColl

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Name: Xander McColl

Age: 12

District: 13

Gender: Male

Weapon: Knives, his fists

Appearance: Xander is a youthful boy to say in the least, but one who looks to have the air of a man. His dark brown, almost black, hair is lazily swept off to his right side, his equally dark eyes glinting with all due seriousness regardless of the situation. Uncommon to the citizens of 13, he is also quite tanned; how this came to be, no one would really know. For a boy like him, he's actually fairly short, but his build equates to that of an average boy his age; he's still very sturdy and actually very flexible. You'll find out how when the time comes.

Personality: To say that Xander still acts like a child is...not completely accurate. Xander is actually mature for his age--still a bit childish at times as he runs around and occasionally makes mischief with his friends, but otherwise he rarely walks around without a stoic expression on his face. He's a wise boy, constantly around to give people--especially those older than him--some life-changing advice. Perhaps that came from his parents, perhaps from the harsh by-laws set by his District; there was no telling how he came to be one of the most intelligent boys around. Nonetheless, this was something he doesn't openly embrace; he didn't exactly get that intelligence in the most favourable way.

Strengths: Though he does look to be a tiny tot to some degree, Xander's strength is not one to be underestimated. In the days when he would be bullied by, well, bullies in school, he would punch and kick them in his defense; sometimes the impact ends up winding the bullies blind as blood flows down their nose, their eyes, or their bones crack from the harsh kicks Xander delivered. Of course, Xander, to some degree, would be injured somewhat in return, but he didn't let the bruises and cuts define him any more than just a brave soldier. It was through these incidents that allowed him to develop his maturity sooner than any average boy; the sight of blood would not faze him, to say in the least, and in situations that required him to think quickly on his feet he would always be able to think of a rational solution. Rarely did any of the consequences of his actions ever really go wrong. Xander is also very flexible; for a boy who never really took gymnastic classes, he is able to perform backflips and cartwheels with ease--possibly also from situations where he was fighting bullies while the option of flight was still open for him to take. Either way, he is strong in both fight and flight situations; he could be very hard to catch and pin down, making his chances of survival quite high.

Weaknesses: Xander's height and age actually does, to some degree, serve as a weakness. The lack of a few inches could easily have everyone else underestimate him for a serious fighter. He could also snap unexpectedly when one least expects it, and once he starts raging it's hard for him to stop. It's almost laughable to say that he also fears the dark, especially for a boy from 13; though he doesn't mind it for a while, if he's stuck in it for extended periods of time he could get very antsy and agitated, which makes sleep very hard to come.

Backstory: Xander's backstory is very much straightforward; what is there to it, really? He was born in district 13, lived with his loving parents and a little sister, Zelene, and adhered to a very strict schedule printed on his arm with every passing day. Bullies of both genders much older than him began to pick on him in school when he was 9, and though at first he submitted and surrendered to their taunts, later on he began to teach himself self-defense which did help him in the long run giving his adversaries a taste of their own medicine. He started offering help to others a year later, in a manner almost like a counselor would, to children younger than he and even adults who were suffering through mental trauma. His entire life was surrounded by a devil side and an angelic side; his life was constantly bouncing between the two, making it additionally very unpredictable over the ordinary life that conformed around most citizens of his district.

Token: Xander decided to bring nothing except for a simple pewter coin with a hole drilled in the center that Zelene found one day. Where, when, and how she found it did not matter; it was still a reminder of his family far from home rooting for him and watching his every move in the arena.

Author Games: PanemdemicTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang