Chapter 86: Revelation

Start from the beginning

"Ah! I remember!" Yuki clapped his hands together. "That man.. he had Jyushi-kun captive! And he told us that if we wanted him safe, we'd have to do as he says! And I remember facing off against Todo-san, with Kara-san trying to help him.. oh dear, I must have hurt him!" He looked around frantically. "W-Where is Todo-san and Kara-san?"

"I can't see Sir Ichi or that Lonely guy either!" Hana pouted. "They left us?! Meanies!"

"Geez, can you not be so noisy? Idjit.." Chibita growled, leaning against Iyami. Kaoru had managed to successfully wake both of them up. "Ergh.. I don't feel so good- KAORU-SAN?! YOU'RE HERE?!"

The ex-policeman looked at Chibita. Well.. he was still small, but he certainly grew a bit. He then remembered that it's been years since they last saw each other too. "It's a long story, Chibita-kun! Though I hope you'll stick around once the party's over. Oh, and please try to wake up Totoko-chan! I still have another person to take care of!" He stood up from his spot, rubbing Chibita's head, before walking over to Osomatsu. "What happened to you? You're sweating so much, Osomatsu-kun."

Osomatsu cracked an eye open. For who knows how long he fell asleep, but when he woke up and saw Kaoru's face, he jolted upwards. "K-Kaoru-san?! Wait, what happened.."

Then it clicked.

He passed out after having a panic attack over hearing Tougou's name.

Ah. So that's what happened. How shitty of me.. why the hell am I still scared over something that happened like eleven years ago?

Osomatsu never understood why he was still scared of Tougou. Didn't he get arrested? Ah, but that was at his dimension. In this dimension, Tougou was apparently Lonely's psychopathic enemy that had planned to kill Jyushi. But that was all he knew. He didn't even know how Jyushi ended up in this room, the last thing he remembered was bursting in here with some guy playing the piano, and upon hearing Tougou's name, he panicked. He also remembered Kara trying to soothe him, but after that, nothing else. He couldn't understand what just happened.

First, Todo kicked the door down.. and then Tougou started talking.. and then Choro yelled out his name.. I think I got a panic attack.. and that's it. Wow. I can't even remember anything. Dang, and they had a fight too? I missed out a lot!

Sitting up, he looked around him, and noticed that there was a blanket over what seemed to be another person's body on the floor. But besides that, Yuki seemed to be struggling to get up, but his wife was helping him stand. Hana seemed to be up and chipper, stretching and all, while Homura was kneeling down beside her, fussing over Hana's condition. Kaoru helped him stand up, though his legs were wobbly. Iyami did the same to Chibita, and helped him up. Dekapan, however, was still kneeling on the floor, gently stroking Jyushi's sleeping face.

Osomatsu walked over to where his phone was, picking it up carefully and inspecting it for any damages. He noticed another application on the screen.

So.. this must be it? Did.. did any of them use it? Where's Kara? And Todo, Ichi, and Lonely..?

"Who's underneath the blanket?" Osomatsu asked as he turned to Kaoru.

Suddenly, Kaoru looked at the ground, and so did Fuyu and Homura. Dekapan turned away from Jyushi with a somewhat hurt look on his face. Iyami, Hana, and Yuki looked at each other in confusion, while Chibita seemingly realized what happened.

"Me was unconscious." Iyami raised a finger tiredly. "Me remembers fighting Lonely.. and then having something hit me. Me passed out soon after."

"So was I." Yuki meekly added. "I was battling against Todo-san and Kara-san.. I think something was pulled out of my chest. I feel better now, though."

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