Chapter 58

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~ Listen to Photograph - Ed is Bea ~

"Some people are worth melting for." -Olaf

uthors Note - This is the last chapter! So take your time and enjoy 😝 pls leave a comment/vote if you liked my story



The evening was cool, calm and everything I could ask for. Just me, my man and the beautiful view of out little town. The fish n' chips went down a treat and, after playing some video games in his games room, we'd climbed onto the roof to watch the sunset.

I'd had an inspired idea to bring the beanbags up as well so our arses didn't go numb. Seriously, beanbags are comfy.

We chatted, laughed, kissed, held hands and spoke about our dreams for the future. Of course Nathan's goal was to become a successful novelist. He seemed quietly confident in his own writing abilities now a professional publisher had read his work and been impressed. I wasn't surprised by her positivity because he was gifted with words. I knew he had it in him to go far with hi writing.

And my goals? They were less set in stone than Nate's. I hadn't exactly thought about it that much. These past few years had been a complete whirlwind. Loosing my friends, my Dad, myself and then becoming a star skater had definitely given me enough drama for a lifetime. I felt like finally I was in control of my life. All I wanted was a calm, drama free life surrounded by my closest friends.

When the sun finally set and the sky slowly darkened, I asked Nathan something that had been bugging me since he'd made the comment.

"Nate, do you really think I'd make a good teacher?" I wondered, his face visible by the light of the town below. "Or were you just kidding around?"

My boyfriend smiled at me lovingly, his thumb caressing the palm of my hand causing a shiver to run through my body.

"You'd be an excellent teacher." He assured me in a soft yet certain voice. "But then you can do anything you want Zara, if you put your mind to it."

I ponder his words, letting a comfortable silence fall upon us. It was true I'd felt very pleased teaching those kids skateboarding, but could I teach for a living? As in in an actual classroom with kids...or would I end up getting fed up and punching them? That would not be good. It was an option though.

"Do you ever want kids?" Nathan questioned out of the blue and I raised my eyebrows, surprised at this question. "What, I'm just asking?"

I thought about it for a second before answering.

"I guess I do at some point but definitely not anytime soon." I narrowed my eyes at him to warn him off getting any ideas.

"You'd look cute with a baby belly." Nate teased and I cringed at that awful thought.

"I'd look fat." I argued but Nate just smiled.
"Yeah but cute fat." He chuckled. "I could call you my tubby Zara."

"We're 18 and we're talking about having kids together." I said, ignoring his opinion that me being fat would look 'cute'.

"Who said I meant having kids with you?" Nathan smirked and I rolled my eyes at him. "Joking! I do know one thing for sure though, I want you there with me every step of the way."

Nathan stood up and my heart warmed at his words. How could one guy make a girl feel so incredible and alive? He pulled me up with our linked hand so I was pressed against his chest.

And then he did something that made my heart stop beating for a million different reasons. He dropped to the floor, knelt on one knee and brought a ring out of his shirt pocket, holding it up to me.

Holy fucking god what was he doing?! I'm so not ready for this, I thought, my lips parting in shock. I'd have taken a step back had he not still had my right hand held firmly in his own.

"P-please tell me your not proposing because..."

"Z listen to me for a sec..."

"We're too fucking young for marriage! And I mean what if..."


"I grow fat or you grow a beard? I am not dating a guy with a beard..."

"I'm not going to grow a beard!"

"Ok well what if I get fat and ugly..."

"I'm not proposing!" Nathan raised his voice to stop my waffling and I took a deep, grateful breath.

"Oh." I replied a little awkwardly.

"You're right, we're too young for that." Nathan chuckled, getting up off the floor so I had to raise my head to meet his gripping gaze. "I probably shouldn't have knelt on the floor but anyway, this isn't an engagement ring."

I managed to stop freaking out, finding myself hanging off every word that fell out of his luscious lips, my heart thumping against my chest which was so close to his.

"It's a promise ring." Nathan gently slipped the ring onto the forth finger of my right hand. "Zara Briggs, I promise that one day, when we're ready, I will ask you to marry me. If you accept, and allow me to make you my wife, you will make me the happiest man on the planet. My life's goal will be to make you happy because you are and always will be the love of my life."

The ring was stunning. Plain silver encrusted with little sparkle jewels. Subtle, just how I liked my jewlery. Throughout his speech I may have shed a tear or two...hundred. Come on, who can blame me? That was fucking beautiful. I'm one lucky girl to have found such an incredible guy who truly loved me for who I was. He was so much more than just my boyfriend. He was my best friend, the person who supported me no matter what and my favourite person in the world. Nathan Channing completed me and made me happier than I'd ever felt.

I tried to put all my thought into words to show him how much that meant to me while trying to keep control of my erratic heart. Nothing seemed to make sense in my muddled mind which was focusing on his ever so slightly parted lips so I opted for the next best thing other than words.

I rose up onto my tiptoes and kissed him.



Oh My God I did it. I finished this book! Whoop! Crazy, after almost two years of writing Time Heals it's actually completed.

*pinches myself to check I'm not dreaming* OUCH ok not dreaming I really have done it.

Sorry I'm weird and over excited. Did you like the ending? Also I WANT MY OWN NATHAN. He's perf. Urgh anyways THANKYOU so so much to each and everyone of you that have read this. It seriously means the world to me. When I began writing I didn't think anyone would everrrr read my stuff so lots of hugs from me :)

Just in case you're interested I will be writing an epilogue and maybe a few random chapters if I get some inspiration so look out for them!

Thanks again AND please click on the lovely star button to leave a vote if you enjoyed it!

Big love

Sami xxx

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