Chapter 57

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~ Arctic Monkeys are life ~


My girlfriend turned eighteen today. Her sight had recovered as had her body, just in time to properly enjoy what I'd decided to do to celebrate her coming of age.
Now, most people turning eighteen would probably want to go out drinking blah blah blah have a party. But Zara was never one to enjoy getting hammered anymore and neither was I so I'd made plans to have a quiet, enjoyable day.
As soon as she woke up I'd was determined to give her a day she remembered forever. Turing 18 is a special day after all.

When she came into the kitchen dressed in one of my jumpers that fell to just above her knees, I greeted her with a proper cooked breakfast, bacon and all.

"Oh wow this looks incredible." She smiled bleary eyed, wiping the sleep from them. "Is there something special happening today or something?"

Zara smirked and stood on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek, sending warmth through me at her touch.

"I don't know, I heard it was someone's birthday but if I got that wrong I can just throw this away." I matched her smirk, picking up the plate with the wonderful smelling breakfast and began to walk towards the bin. Zara hastily grabbed my waist and  prevented me from going any further.

"If you throw that away you'll not be seeing my girls again for at least...a week." She challenged and I turned my head in shock to see she was gesturing to her chest.

"You wouldn't." I faced her, feigning heart break.

"Try me." Zara gave me her sweetest smile, easily nicking the plate from my hands and running out of the kitchen with it.

Oh God that girl will be the death of me, I thought to myself as I prepared my own plate of yummy looking food, if I do say so myself.


After a carefree morning spent chilling with my birthday girl, I finally managed to drag her lazy but hot arse out of the flat and into town. It was odd being back here. The home I'd had for a month or so before i'd gone to college. It had been a brief but life changing couple of months. I'd met Zara at the school here. I'd rekindled my relationship with my Mum. I'd finally felt happy with my life.

The two of us walked hand in hand around the familiar place, slowly making our way to Zara's favourite place in this town; the skatepark.


It was just how I remembered it. Maybe there was a tad more graffiti but other than that the skate park looked just the same as it did when I last skated here.

What made me smile was how busy it was. There were skaters of all standards. Some rollerbladers and even a BMX bike or two.

"Feel good to be back?" Nathan asked gently and I glanced down at our clasped hands.

"Definitely, this is where I first stepped on a board." I returned my attention to the skaters, a smile etched onto my face. This place meant so much to me.

"This is where I first saw you skate, we nearly kissed, I told you about my Dad. Not to mention the days we spent here in the summer holidays." Nathan reminded me and I raised my eyes that he remembered those things. "Yeah, this place is kind of special to me too. This is where I first saw the real you, rather than the quiet, reserved Zara you were at school."
"You make me sound like such a loser." I scoffed and Nate just laughed.

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