Chapter 35

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Prom. In my mind, that equaled stress. Every girl, worrying whether they'd be the most beautiful girl there. The tension and pressure seemed pointless to me so I'd made the decision I wasn't going to prom. I was going to plan something much better to prove to Nathan how much he means to me.

Nathan came over to mine earlier this morning. He's acting nervous and I could tell he was trying to ask me to prom. The moment came when I accidentally tripped, falling onto him. We landed on the floor, laughing gently.

We were pressed close together, my chest against his. As our eyes met I couldn't look away. Every time we have a moment like this it reminded me how luck I was to have him as my boyfriend.

"I got something for you." He said softly and I rolled off him so I was lying next to him, our shoulders touching. "It's not much but I hope you like it."

Nathan took something out of his pocket. It was a necklace. Now Nathan knew I'm not one for jewellery but this wasn't any kind of necklace. It was a simple, delicate heart. I took it in my fingers and gasped. On the back he'd had 'Z & N' engraved into the silver.

 On the back he'd had 'Z & N' engraved into the silver

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"This is amazing." I breathed softly.

"I was wondering if you'd wear it as my date to prom?" He questioned, voice barely above a whisper.

"No, I'm not going to be your date to prom." I answered, a slight smirk on my face because I knew he wouldn't be expecting that.

"What? Why? But..." He sat up, eyes frowning in disappointment and confusion.

"Nathan. I'm not going to prom and, unless you really want to, you're not going either." I sat up and move my hair to one side of his neck, handing him the necklace to put it on me. He did so as I finished explaining. "I want it to be our special night. So meet me here at eight, while everyone else is on their way to a crappy prom."

Nathan's lips brushed my neck and I sighed deeply, closing my eyes and leaning backward, into him.

"You're something special Z."


"Not going to prom?!" Hope gasped as I told her my plan. "But it's the biggest party of the school year how can you not want to go?"

"Hope come on, I hate parties and most of the people there are fake friends." I pointed out and she swallowed her words. "I want a special night for Nate and I."

"You really love him don't you." She smiled and I nodded. I truly had given myself up to Nathan Channing. "Ok well we'll just have to go dress shopping anyway."

"But I'm not going to prom." I protested.

"You want to make it a special night right?" My friend asked and I agreed. "Well then, you need a dress that will make his jaw drop. You need to wear something so he won't be able to take his eyes off of you and I'm not simply talking about a dress."

"Oh God, we're going shopping." I cringed. I bloody hate shopping.

Two hours later and my body was literally aching thanks to the various different pieces of clothing I'd tried on. How hard could it be to find a good dress?

"That one's too slutty." Hope shook her head at the red dress I'd just put on. She was right, it showed off way to much skin. "Get it off and try this one, it's not my type of dress but I think it will suit you."

She handed me a black dress and I knew, just by looking at it that it was the perfect dress. The other dresses were nice but it looked like I was trying to be something I'm not. This dress was elegant, soft and simply. As I slipped out of the red dress I changed into the black one. The fit was snug but comfortable and I didn't feel like I was trying too hard. It was pure black and came to just above my knee at the front. The hem at the back was slightly lower making the dress tasteful but modest. The harsh black colour was supplemented by hundreds of sliver sparkles dotted on the dress. It hugged my waist, showing off my figure but the skirt material floated skillfully around my legs.

 It hugged my waist, showing off my figure but the skirt material floated skillfully around my legs

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"Is it on yet?" Hope whined from behind the curtain.

"Yes, it's perfect." I opened the curtain, beaming at her.

"Holy shit who are you and what have you done with Zara?!" Hope laughed, eyeing me up and down. "You're such a stunner hun."

"Thanks." I smiled, loving the dress already. The price tag made me cringe a little but I knew I just had to buy it.

After buying it we left the shop and I sighed, finally glad to finish the horror that is shopping.

"Uh Zara, where do you think you are going?" Hope raised her penciled eyebrows.

"Home?" I questioned hopefully but alas my dream of finishing shopping was not true.

"Not yet, we've got to get you some sexy underwear to get Nathans motor really racing." She grinned, as though this was fun.

"Oh God, save me now." I muttered as she dragged me over to a Victoria's Secret shop. Nathan's lucky that he's worth this torturous shopping.


Thank you for reading!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please please vote/comment it means a lot :)

Sami xxx

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