Chapter 54

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~ Listen to Only I by Skinny Living ~


Today was a big day for Zara. No doubt she'll have some press requesting interviews throughout the day. Her trainer, Luke, had announced in spite that Zara was quitting and no longer pursuing the path to become world champion. I'd seen it online and warned Zara before we left. She was a little annoyed but shrugged it off, claiming he'd saved her the effort of announcing it.

We'd journeyed south to the competition this morning, Hope, Oliver, Zara and I went in Zara's car and the others drove in Alex's. It made me happy to see our new and old friends bonding so well. Hope, apparently, had claimed Oliver wasn't really 'her type' which I thought was total crap. People shouldn't categorise their crushes into people who are their 'type, but like the person for who they are. Still when saying hello, Oliver stumbled over his words to Hope, later admitting to me she was extremely good looking and way out of his league. I told him not to be stupid but Oliver changed the subject pretty quickly.

Alison and Eric seemed to be getting on very judging by the looks they gave each other every now and again. They thought they went unnoticed but I wasn't blind. Plus Zara had told me Eric practically admitted his growing attraction. Personally I thought they'd make a great couple. They're both sweet and hilarious. Both would do anything for a friend. Loyal and loving. Zara and I would have to put our match making hats on. When all her skating drama blew over that is.

"Ok guys, you head off to the stands and I'll go prep." Zara told the group who had just walked to the entrance of the grounds. It was a big competition, you could tell just by the amount of cars and people. "Nathan you're coming with me."
"Yes ma'am." I smirked at her, linking my arm in hers. We parted ways with the group but not before they promised to save me a spot.

"Y'know even though Luke's not going to be here for my last competition, it doesn't matter." Zara looked up at me sincerely with her stunning eyes. "You're here, that's all I care about."

My heart swells and I kissed the top of her head, breathing in the familiar sent of her shampoo.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."


Never before had I felt this carefree about a competition. My place wouldn't matter, how well I did didn't concern me and I knew I could just go out there and enjoy myself.

Just a few minutes ago, Nathan had left to find his spot in the crowd and I'd began warming up, prepping my skateboard. Normally Luke would prep my skateboard but I'd seen him do it plenty of times and knew how to do it.

"Zara Briggs." The man with the clipboard of contenders called out my name and I cursed; I hadn't finished tuning my wheels. "Miss Briggs, you're up."

I sighed, checking myself over once more and picking my board up.

The walk from the prep room to the skate rink wasn't too far and soon I found myself watching the contender in front of me finish off her tricks. They were good but she slightly messed up her last one, not managing to land particularly gracefully. It's not necessarily about the hardness of the trick, but how well the trick is exercised.

"Ah she'll be annoyed with that landing." The commentators voice spoke out through the noise of the crowd. "So now let's welcome our favourite skater to the rink, we know her name and we know her game...give a massive hand for Zara Briggs!"

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