Chapter 31

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"Nathan." I gasped after I realised the cars had stopped moving and the noise had gone away. "Nate oh fuck."
He looked at me and my heart leapt into my chest and suddenly I felt very much sober. His face was covered in blood and his eyes unfocused.
Leaning over I gripped his face in my hands.
"Nathan don't you dare loose conscious!" I begged him, only half noticing Alex and Tom forcing the crumpled door open and trying to get me out.
"I love you! Nathan I love you!" I was kissing him and crying. Crying for all I was worth. If he left me, I had nothing. If Nathan died, I had nothing to live for.
His eyes shut and he fell limp in his seat.
"NOO!" I cried out in anguish, lashing out at Alex who had managed to get me out of the car. "NATHAN!"
Alex held me firmly as I thrashed about and screamed until my throat ached.
The car had hit on Nathan's side so the passersby that were helping couldn't get him out because the cars were still pressed together.
My heart felt like it was being ripped out of my chest and I knew I couldn't live without him.
The pain I'd felt after Dads death resurfaced and I collapsed into Alex's arms, crying and calling Nathan's name.
Alex was crying too and he hugged me tightly, Tom just stared at the cars.
"He'll be ok Zara." Alex spoke into my ear, his voice uneven and breaking. "Nathans a fighter."
"Dad w...was a fighter." I cried harder and this time Alex didn't say anything, he just let me weep into his shirt.

The ambulance came; a woman who had witnessed the crash had called it straight away.
There were lots of people around, but no one quite knew what to do until the professionals turned up.
"The driver is still in the car." I overheard someone saying to the ambulance people. "He's unconscious, head injury I think."
"You three were in the car yes?" A man dressed in uniform asked and Alex confirmed with a nod. "None of you are injured?"
"No, but Nathan is..." Alex couldn't continue and I felt myself shaking.
"There's a police car over there." The man pointed over to it. "It will take you to the hospital."
Then he hurried off to deal with Nathan.
"Come on Zara." Alex tried to pull me away from my boyfriend.
"I won't leave him." I dug my heels in.
"He'll be taken to the hospital, let's just get in the police car."
"No!" I yelled and felt myself crumbling from within. "You don't understand! I can't lose Nate."
"Zara I do understand! Without him, you think life wouldn't be worth living." Alex held me tight and, with Toms help, they dragged me towards the police car.
Finally I gave up and felt my shoulders droop in defeat.

During the ride in the police car, I'm pretty sure I fell asleep with exhaustion.
There was an amusing side to my situation: I was still in my underwear although my vulnerability was protected by Nathans jacket. His favourite piece of clothing. It smelt like his smell and reminded me of his bad body image.
The side of him that I know is just for show.
I think back to when Miss Livinton introduced Nathan to the class. He was so foreboding and dark, but he'd adamantly become my friend and had stood by me no matter how I acted. Even when I thought I was better off dead, he phoned me and supported me every step of the way. Without Nathan, for sure I'd be dead right now. He helped me over come my depression. Nathan Channing is the guy who stole my heart.
And he's still a virgin.
I don't know why that thought suddenly hit me, but it did. We'd been together a while now and we still hadn't gone all the way. I felt a sudden overwhelming desire to be held and kissed by him.

I must have slept quite deeply, because when I woke I was in the hospital waiting room, covered in a blanket, still wearing Nathans jacket.
"And sleeping beauty awakes." Tom laughed as I sat up, making sure I held the blanket around myself.
"Nathan..?" I asked my voice hoarse thanks to my hysterical screaming last night.
"Awake and fine, woke up about half an hour ago and he's been asking for you but you were asleep so..." Tom blushed deeply and I smacked his shoulder.
"You douche! You should have woken me up!" I stood quickly, ignoring my aching head from what I guessed was a hangover. Hadn't had one of these in a while and boy did I not plan on having one again.
Knowing Nathans was awake lifted a massive weight off my heart. He was ok. I hadn't lost him.
"This way." Tom said, looking rather grim himself. "That was quite a crash."
"It was so weird; I'd never been in a car accident before." I agreed but Tom gave me a nervous glance. "What?"
"They don't think it was an accident." He sighed as I followed him. "The police I mean, the car was driving very fast and witnesses said it didn't even try and avoid us."

I felt shocked at hearing that, and not quite sure how to react.
"The guy in the other car?" I bite my lip nervously.
"Drunk driver." Tom explained, his tone frustrated. "We don't know who he is and he got pretty banged up, but he was way over the alcohol consumption limit."

After a few seconds of silence as I waited for that information to sink in, Tom stopped walking and pointed to a small room.
"His mums in there with him, Alex went to get you and him some clothes for when they discharge him. Should be back pretty soon." Tom blushed a bit when he mentioned Alex which reminded me that I needed to have a chat with them both.

He left and I nervously walked in. Nathans eyes snapped to mine and I almost felt myself breaking when I saw him conscious.
"Zara honey, I'm glad you're ok." Mia Channing spoke to me but I didn't take in a word she said. "Alex has gone to fetch some clothes and hopefully they'll let us take Nathan home in the morning. You kids gave me such a fright!"
"Mum..." Nathan interrupted, putting his hand on his Mums but not taking his eyes off me.
"Okay darling I'll leave you two alone." She seemed flustered and she picked her bag up, reluctantly leaving Nathan's side and leaving us behind in silence.
We just stared at each other. For at least a minute I stared, not quite believing he was awake and breathing in front of me.
"Tom said you were sleeping so I told him not to wake you." Nathan spoke and it broke the dreamlike spell. I almost flew to his bed and climbed onto it, Nathan moving up slightly to give me some space.
He winced once or twice, but put his arm around me giving me the feeling of being safe.
I breathed in his scent, feeling myself tier again due to so much emotional stress.
"You look hot in a hospital gown." I laid my head against his chest and I didn't have to look to know he was smiling.
"You look hot in just my jacket." Nathan commented back and I felt a smile tug at my lips.
"Don't scare me like that again." My voice broke as I said those words. "You slipped away from me and...Nathan I can't live without you."
His grip on me tightened and he kissed the top of my head.
"I do not intend on going anywhere you're not." Nate's voice sent shivers down my spine with longing. "Plus I couldn't die a virgin could I?"
We both laughed, but it was hollow.
Couldn't die a virgin.
Die...death. Nathan could have lost his life in that car crash, we all could have.
It was a scary thought, and one I didn't intend to dwell on.
"I love you Zara." Nathan broke my thoughts and I felt my eyes tear up as I reply.
"I love you too."

"I'm never gunna leave you." He said gently. "You're going to have to put up with my party pooping skills for a long time yet."
"Don't be a tease." I groaned, regretting even stepping foot in that party. "I'm steering well clear of parties in the future."

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