Chapter 2

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The lesson passed quickly and I hastily lead Nathan to our next class. People were staring, whispering behind my backs causing my irrational paranoia to multiply with every second. I knew everyone was judging him because of me. It was honestly so unfair on him to wreck his chances of having a half decent reputation at this school simply because he'd been dumped with me.

The next class was Drama and I tried to forget that I shared this class with Alex and a group of my old friends. It used to be my strongest subject until my world got turned upside down. Now I just hid at the back of the class, making myself as invisible as possible. This was going to be fun.

As we walked to the Drama studios, neither of us tried to make small talk so I gladly put my single earphone back in. Music was my escape, and my only true friend.

"Music any good?" He asked curiously.

"Depends what you're into." I shrugged and gave him the other earphone.

Currently I was listening to Crying Lightning by Arctic Monkeys.

"Wasn't expecting that." He nodded along to the song and I smiled. It was nice to have someone to walk down the school corridors with again. Wow, I sound like such a loner. Crying lightning ended and I'm Not Okay came on by My Chemical Romance.

"They spilt up didn't they?" Asked Nathan and I nodded. "Shame."

"I don't mind, they made some epic tracks in their time." I replied, starting to ease in his company. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

The drama class had already started when we got there and I quickly hid my phone and turned off the music. Teachers were annoyingly strict about having your phone out in class.

"Mr Beale is mental." I warned Nathan quietly and he raised a blonde eyebrow questioningly.
I didn't bother to answer his look, he'd find out what I meant soon enough.

The old drama teacher ushered us into the classroom.

"Where have you been? Oh never mind, never mind. You must be the new student." Mr Beale shook Nathan's hand. "I'm Mr Beale, I hope you are excellent at expressing yourself!"

Someone snorted with laughter and I had a feeling it might have been my lovely ex-boyfriend.

"Hush now, this is not a comedy!" The teacher threw his arms out theatrically and almost smacked me around the head. Luckily Nathan pulled me back in time to avoid colliding with his overly excited arm.

"Jesus." I heard Nathan whisper in my ear and I fought a grin. Lovely as Mr Beale was, he was also extremely accident prone. That is why he never made it in the theatre, or rather that's what he claims is the reason.

"Sit down, sit down." He motioned for us to take a seat on the floor so I followed Nathan to the back of the class and sat next to him. "So, I have something exciting to announce. Drum roll please...we are performing Romeo and Juliet! Yes, I know you are all speechless with excitement, so am I!"

I groaned as he mumbled on about the art of performing, when auditions were and all that jazz. Before the Madison attack, Alex and I would probably have got the role of Romeo and Juliet seeing as we were both into drama and supposedly in love forever. In reality I don't think I ever actually loved Alex. It was more of 'popular girl' fits with 'popular guy' thing.

"Alex you will audition for Romeo am I right?" Mr Beale asked and Alex nodded, giving the teacher a thumbs up. "Good, and Hope you for Juliet?"

I froze, staring at the floor and a little taken aback. Hope had been my best friend since primary school. My ex best friend and my ex-boyfriend. Great.

"You okay?" Nathan whispered and I snapped out of my little trance, nodding and faking a smile.


"Zara what will you be auditioning for?" Mr Beale asked, beaming at me.


"The Nurse." Someone sniggered.

"Because she's so fat." Another comment which amused the whole class.

"Maybe a tree, she's not worth the role of the nurse." That was Alex. I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"Ok hush down please." Mr Beale frowned, giving me an apologetic look. "Auditions will be held in three weeks, better start practising!"

For the rest of the lesson we were split off into pairs to practice some soppy love scene. Nathan and I went together and we ended up taking the mick out of love. It was actually quite fun.

"Darling Zara, would you do one the honour of taking ones hand and dancing with one?" Nathan pretended to be a posh Romeo.

"Nah mate you're alright." I started to walk away but he grabbed my hand.

"Come on honeycake, give love a chance!" He pulled me in close and I suddenly felt eyes on us.

I wanted to pull away but he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist.

"Let me go they're watching." I pleaded him and his hold relaxed. "Thank you."

There were whispers and I caught Alex's eye for the first time.

He mouthed the word slut. Turning my eyes away I regretted the salty tears that filled them.

"What the hell is your problem?" Nathan glared at Alex, clearly picking up on the insult aimed at me.

"Dude, you know nothing about that girl." Alex scoffed and I noticed Nathans fists clenching in anger.

"Maybe not, but there was no reason to call her a slut simply because we were acting and playing around." Nathan snapped back, causing Alex to laugh.

"Oh but Zara knows all about 'playing around'." He sneered and I felt something stab into my heart. It actually physically hurt to hear him bad mouth me. We used to be so close. It just shows how vulnerable all relationships are.

"Nathan, please take Zara somewhere else." Mr Beale said, realising I was unable to cope with the class right now. Before I knew it Nathan was whisking me away from my nightmares and out into the cool fresh air.

"Don't cry." I mumbled, squeezing my eyes tight shut while attempting to calm down my rapid, panicky breathing. "Stop fucking crying."

I took three deep breaths and opened my eyes. Nathan was staring curiously at me, all anger had melted away as his face was just filled with concern.

"It's almost like you're being bullied by the whole school." He cocked his head, blonde hair shimmering slightly in the sun. "What did you do?"

I looked at him warily, doubting he'd believe me. Should I tell him? He'd probably hate me.

"It doesn't matter anyway, I bet I've done worse." He smirked, accepting that I wasn't prepared to explain my life story to a guy I'd not even known for a day. "Anyway, I'll join you as an outcast if you want?"

Surprised, I looked up at his kind, comforting expression.




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