Chapter 9

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Today was either going to go well, or very very badly. I'm not going to lie, I was worried.

But Rodger needed to do this.

We'd talked about the plan way into the night, until he fell asleep with exhaustion.

I worried he wouldn't be strong enough to do this, but he'd assured me he'd be strong enough for his daughter.

Poor Zara. Seeing her all beaten up was like a kick to my heart. If only I'd been there for her. It felt like Mum all over again, pathetic me unable to protect her.

This time, however, I would help Zara.

Tom was with Zara all day to keep her occupied without Rodger and I. Plus I doubt she'd have approved of us discharging him from hospital briefly.

As I pushed Rodger in his wheel chair up to the main school gates, people started staring and pointing, whispering to one and other.

Oh just you wait when you hear what he has to say, I thought to myself.

"Mr Channing?" The secretary glanced up from her desk surprised. "What are you doing?"

"Taking over Assembly." I answer curtly, not bothering to sign in and marching Rodger straight through into the school which was pretty empty seeing as all the students were in Assembly right now.

I found the teachers entrance to the main hall and silently thanked god there were no stairs.

"Miss Livinton." I tapped my tutor on the shoulder and she jumped.

"Oh Nathan, what are you...Rodger?" The teacher looked between the two of us, confused.

"This may be against the rules Miss, but it's for Zara." I stated firmly, grabbing the microphone off the desk next to her.

"Nathan!" She held me back.

"If you're going to stop me..." I began in annoyance.

"No, let me introduce you." She beamed at me, and I handed her the mic, surprised but glad.

Miss composed herself with a deep breath, then walked into the middle of the hall, addressing the students.

"Good morning. Most of us are here so I'll just go ahead and start. Those of you expecting a boring speech from each of your teachers are going to be disappointed. Today, we have a fellow student talking to us as well as a parent." She beckoned us forward and I pushed the wheel chair closer to her. "This is Nathan, a relatively new student and this is Rodger. Listen carefully to what they have to say. I'll let them take it from here."

There was muffled confusion from the students and other teachers as I took the mic.

"Hey people. I'm Nathan Channing and I'm actually pretty disgusted by the behaviour I've seen since I've come to this school." I began, planning on building up the tension then letting Rodger effect their hearts by his emotional speech. "This is Zara Briggs' Dad, and he's been suffering from cancer for over a year. He's got something to say to all of you."

Then I passed the mic over to Rodger who took it from me in his shaky thin hands.

"Oh crap I've never spoken in front of this many teenagers." He mumbled, causing a few nervous laughs. "Where to start...I'm Zara's dad. I'm also all she has in the world, expect from Nathan and Tom of course. I'm going to die soon, in fact I could go at any time and believe me that is scary. But the scariest thing is leaving my daughter behind. My daughter who had been all smiles up until the bullying began. I'm not naming anyone, you know who you are, but Zara changed. She didn't trust anyone and it even took her a while to admit to me everything that was going on. Of course when she did, I wanted to talk to the school and have it sorted. Proud as she was, Zara convinced me she could deal with it. Then she came to my hospital bed yesterday, bruised and in pieces. She told me she'd been hurt because she wouldn't give up her only two friends. The only people that didn't judge her and treat her like shit." He paused and took a deep breath and I could tell his strength was fading. "Just please, leave her alone. She never did anything wrong. You all think she cheated on her boyfriend, she didn't. I can tell you that because I know my daughter. She was head over heels for that jock." As Rodger spoke I found Alex and he was blushing, shame written all over his face. "She said nothing but good things about all her friends, and made lots of effort for them. Inviting them for sleepovers all the time and listening to their issues even though she kept her massive secret to herself. Me. And then you abandon her like she's scum." He was crying now, and I put my hand on his shoulder for support. "I can't die happy unless I know my daughter will be safe."

After those words he thrust the mic in my hand and accepted the tissues Miss Livinton was offering him, shoulders heaving with emotion.

"You see what you've done?" I said into the mic. "It all started with one, selfish girl. But she's not the only one to blame. You all made Zara's life a living hell. Take her dying dad's last wish seriously. He wants his daughter to be safe."

I turned the mic off and handed it to Miss who had tears in her eyes. She was gazing over my shoulder and I turned round, not sure what to expect.

Zara was standing there. She'd showered and put make up on, but her angry bruises could still be seen no matter how hard she tried to hide them. The hall was silent, shocked and affected by Rodgers speech. Zara stared at her Dad, tears falling freely down her bruised face.

"Dad." She sobbed, the hall so silent everyone could hear. Never before had I been in a room with hundreds of silent teenagers. "Have I ever told're my hero?"

She ran to her Dad and wrapped her arms around his shaking shoulders and they cried into each other's embrace.

After a few emotional seconds, some of the kids began to clap.

It started off awkwardly as people weren't sure if it was the right thing to do, but as I joined in, the place began to grow with applause and cheers.

I felt elated and proud of what I'd achieved for this special family. Miss Livinton and I clapped along with the other students and teachers, all for Zara and her Dad.

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