Chapter 37

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Lost in the Stereo by All Time Low was blaring out of my speakers as I spun my soaking wet hair around, raving like mad.

"She's dancing alone I'm ready to go but she's so Lost in the stereo, lost in the stereo!" I sung at the top of my voice, a smile plastered on my face as I jumped onto the sofa and whooped out loud. "She's outta control so beautiful, lost in the stereo, lost in the stereo."

This had to be the funnest way to dry your hair after a shower. I star jumped off the sofa and at that moment my door burst open. I half expected my neighbor to be complaining about the music volume or Nathan to bound in and join me raving. The sight that I faced, however, I could not have predicted.

Tom stood in the doorway, swaying on his feet. A bottle of vodka had found its home in his arms and there were evident tears down his face. But what shocked me the most was the bruises and blood.

Snapping into action I raced over to my speakers and turned the music off. Silence hit us and I wasn't sure what to do. Tom hadn't got drunk since he and Alex had sorted stuff out.

"You s-should go on Britain's got talent." He slurred his words, laughing slightly.

"Tom what the fuck." I rushed to his side and closed the door behind us, taking in the various wounds on his face.

"S-someone found out about Alex and m-me and Michael's g-gang cornered m-me and h-hit me." His bruised face crumpled and he let out a sob. "It w-wouldn't stop, t-they just kept h-hitting and k-kicking."

"Oh my god." I gasped, my heart aching seeing such a close friend so hurt. "Come sit down."

I lead Tom over to the sofa that I had just been boogieing on and he lowered his fragile body gently onto it. My hand grasped the bottle and I tried to take it from him but he shook his head and pulled it closer to his chest.

"Tom let go of it, you don't need it." I promised him, meeting his watery eyes. At first he was hesitant but after a few tries I managed to prise it from his hands. I head into the kitchen, putting the bottle away and grabbing the first aid kit from above the fridge. I then returned to the sitting room where tears slowly fell down Toms face. Before I sat down I shot Nathan a quick text telling him to get Alex and come to mine ASAP. "Does it hurt too much for me to clean you up a bit?"

Tom eyed the first aid kit but shrugged so I spent the next few minutes carefully mopping up the blood and cleaning his cuts. It made me sick that Alex's ex friends would do this to Tom just because of his sexuality. Obviously I knew when the two of them came out publicly they'd face different attitudes and reaction but this was so extreme. It made my blood boil. I remember how useless Michael made me feel that day he'd hurt me.

"Zara, how did you cope with your Dads illness?" Tom asked me, his eyes full of worry and anxiety. His question seemed a little random but I answered it anyway.

"It was difficult. He was the only person I loved at the time. I think if I hadn't had you and Nathan then it would have been too much." I said, picking up the blood covered wipes and standing up, putting them in the bin.

" brother just told me he's got cancer." Tom choked out his words and I stare at the contents of the bin in shock. His brother has cancer? So this must be why he went off on one and got pissed last night. My heart ached, remembering how much cancer could take from a person. How drained, sick and depressed the victim of the disease could get. How much it hurt to see your loved one going through such pain. I'd never ever wish that on anyone, let alone one of my closest friends brothers. "What am I supposed to do? He's my big brother and I couldn't even stay by his side long enough for him to explain everything. I ran off and drunk myself silly."

I turned around, composing my expression and facing my torn apart friend.

"Being there for them is the most important thing. You can't take away the pain that they're going through but you can support them and hold their hand." My voice cracked ever so slightly as I tried to keep my emotions in check. Even though I'd come to terms with the loss of my Dad it still hurts to know he's gone forever.

There's a knock on the door and I blinked, glancing away from Tom.

"That's Nate and Alex." I informed him softly, calling for them to come in.

Nathan came in first, his expression happy when he laid eyes on me. He jogged over and put his arms around my waist, kissing me gently. I couldn't help but let myself melt into his embrace. My heart raced with joy at his actions and my frown had certainly been turned upside down.

"God I love you." I muttered into his shoulder, hugging him tightly.

"You'd better 'cos I've just booked us a table for two in Nandos this weekend." He chuckled, stroking my hair lovingly.

"Awh Nandos, how posh." I joked, genuinely happy we were going on a date. This boy was amazing. He took away all the sadness I felt and turned it into love. He made me feel special and always reminded me of his feelings for me. I felt so secure with Nathan.

"What the FUCK happened?!" Alex shouted out loud, making us jump. His words reminded me of the situation at hand.

We turned to witness Alex kneeling in front of Tom, his hand gently cupping his cheek as though scared he'd hurt him more. Alex's eyes were a mixture of disbelief and anger.

"Who did this?" Alex almost begged him to speak. Tom seemed lost for words and glanced in my direction for help. Nathan gasped beside me when he took in Tom's face.

"Michael's gang." I answered, hostility in my voice. "Because they know about you two. I guess they beat Tom up because they view him as an easier and weaker target than you."

I watched Alex's expression morph from shock to guilt to complete anger.

"I'm going to kill him." He muttered with such intense anger I knew, if he wasn't stopped, he'd do something stupid.

"Alex I'm fine, leave it please..." Tom kept on glancing from his boyfriends loath covered face to Nate and I.

"You think I'm gunna stand by and let them get away with this?!" Alex stood up, fists clenched.

"There are bigger issues to deal with." I stepped forward, placing a hand on Tom's shoulder. "You need to control your anger, for Tom's sake."

"No way! Nathan, if someone did this to Zara would you stand by and do fuck all?" Alex blurted out his words before he could stop himself. "Oh shit..."

"The same group of boys did hurt Zara." Nathan came to my side yet again. "And yes, I'd have loved to smash their faces in. But what good would that have done? So I didn't go kick their butts. I stayed with Zara and figured out a way to help her out of the shitty position the whole school had put her in. One you had helped put her in."

There's a tense silence. It was Alex's call. He could leave and punch a few faces in or he could stay and support his boyfriend. In the end, he let out a groan and collapsed onto the sofa.

"Thank you." Tom whispered, taking Alex's hand in his. He grunted in acknowledgement, slowly letting the anger leave his body.

"You two stay here, I'm going to go to Tom's house." I told the guys while shoving my almost dry hair up into a high pony tail and grabbing a jacket.

"Why?" Alex and Nathan questioned together.

"Tom can fill you in." I called over my shoulder as I left the flat.


New update! Yay:) poor Tom...
Thanks for reading!
Love you all

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