Chapter 39

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"I can't believe it." Zara gasped as she came into her bedroom staring at her phone, dressed in only a baggy shirt of mine. I was draped across her bed, yawning as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"What is it love?" I said mid yawn.

"I've been accepted to the same college as you." Our eyes met and I could see the happiness radiating from them.
"No way that's incredible!" I pushed myself up and gave her a crushing hug. This meant we could go to the same college. We could keep our relationship in tack while completing our courses. It would mean moving away from home and staying on college campus but I had a feeling that would do both Zara and I some good.

She arranged her legs so she sat cross legged and I shifted my position so my head was in her lap.

"You're not going to leave me for some hot college guy are you?" I joked, taking a piece of her tangled hair in my fingers and twirling it.
"Oh I don't know." She hummed softly and then laughed at my unimpressed expression. "Of course not stupid."

"That's good because if you even think about it I might just have to murder them." I tried to pull an evil expression but it just made Zara laugh more.

"Who's becoming a murderer?" Tom popped his head around our door inquisitively. The bruises on his face were almost gone now as was his love for alcohol. Since his brother told him he didn't have cancer and his parents had allowed him to temporarily move in with Zara until they sorted out the issues in their marriage, Tom's happiness had definitely improved. He'd still kept his relationship with Alex quiet though. Slowly but surely the amount of people who knew was starting to expand and I knew they shouldn't wait much longer to tell their parents. It would be much better coming from them rather than as a rumour.

"No one." Zara chuckled, standing up and finding some jeans to pull on.

"Zara and I both got into the same college." I reached forward and placed my hands on my girlfriends waist, pulling her backwards so she fell onto the bed between my legs.

"No fucking way? That's great!" Tom congratulated us and Zara slapped my hands, trying to get her jeans over her hips.

"Yes, now let me change." She complained so I let her hips go, sighing slightly.

"I prefer you with no clothes on." I admitted, snaking my arms around her waist.

"And I preferred it before you became a perv." She slapped my hands away.

"Stop squabbling." Tom complained and left the room.

"Funny considering he and Alex squabble all the time." Zara pointed out, leaning against my shoulder and we stayed there for a few minutes, happy in each others arms. We broke apart when Zara stood up, heading towards her draws. She pulled out a plain vest top and a checkered shirt. With her back to me I watched her remove my baggy shirt and replace it with her own clothing.

"I'll make you breakfast." I decided, knowing I should feed her up in order for her to perform her best in the skating competition she had today.


"Second place!" She gleamed at me as she ran into my arms. I lifted her up, swinging her around and we whooped together, totally elated with her achievement.

After I placed her on the ground I kissed her and it still felt like we were spinning. A cough came from beside us and we broke apart, grinning. This was a tougher competition and she'd still placed!

Luke, Zara's trainer, was standing next to a smart looking female.

"Well done Zara you killed it out there. I've got a few pointers but first let me introduce Katy Ruben from Sidewalk magazine." The women smiled at Zara who nodded her head back. "She'd like to write a quick article about you for their magazine!"

Zara seemed shocked for a second but then composed herself and agreed to the article.

"Brilliant. If I can just ask a few questions about your skating?" She asked for permission and Zara nodded again. "Where do you normally skate?"

"A local skatepark that's not too far away from my house."

"Ok and how did you get into skating?"

"I used to watch the older kids skating and one day a guy offered to teach me the basics. Since then I was hooked..."

The women asked a few more questions before thanking Zara for her time and saying she'd email Luke a copy of the article. And then she was gone.

"Holy shit Z you're famous." I gave her shoulder a gentle, playful punch.

"I'm not." She protested. "I don't even get why she wants to write an article about me."

"Because you're special and you've got talent." Luke explained. "You've never been seen on the competition circuit before and you turn up and keep getting placed. That's got to attract interest."

Zara frowned slightly and I wondered what she was thinking. In my eyes, I was overly proud of Zara's achievements. But after that surprise interview I'm wondering whether this is the life she wanted. Did she want her name to be something people researched? All I knew is it wasn't my call but I'd support her. No matter what.

Yay update! Wow I've written 40 chapters...
Hope you're enjoying some cute couple moments between these two.
Means a lot that anyone even reads this tbh!
Please leave a comment/vote if you liked it. And if you want you can check out my other stories...Against All Odds is one of my newer ones.
Thanks again
Sami xxx

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