Chapter 41

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The light was fading as I made my way from my own dorm to Zara's. They weren't too far away from each other and I always enjoyed the walk to hers. Maybe it's because every time I saw her I couldn't help but fall in love with her all over again.

Both Zara and I attend the same college. Even though her career as a skater was kicking off, we'd both agreed she needed to go to college to gain further qualifications. She's taking A levels while I'm taking a two A levels (English Lit and Law) with a BTEC qualification on the side which focuses on creative writing etc. Becoming a writer is a dream that had always been in the back of my mind but now I was finally making it reality.

The college we'd both got into was a journey from home so we'd arranged to stay on campus. Zara's flat was still hers but she'd rented it out to none other than Alex and Tom. These two had never been closer...especially since Tom's parents were going through a divorce and Alex's parents didn't approve of their relationship. Yes, the had come clean to their families. Hard as it was at the time, now Tom and Alex didn't have to hide their relationship anymore. I think even though their families were going through rough patches the two of them barely noticed. It's like they had their own happy bubble. They were going to a college closer to home.

Earlier this evening I'd watched Zara's first interview she'd done. It was uploaded on to The Skater Channels YouTube channel and just watching it made me frustrated. The way Zara's face fell in anxiety when questioned about her father. It angered me because I know how hard it was for her to overcome the struggles she'd faced. Dragging up the past was more hassle than it's worth.

I reached Zara's familiar door and knocked gently.

There was a mumbled "Come in" so I obliged, going into the room and shutting the door behind me. Zara was lying on her bed, clearly drained of energy. She offered me a smile as I slid into bed beside her, wrapping my arms around her protectively.

"Nate." She sighed happily, staring at me with her beautiful eyes.

"Hey Z." I kissed her forehead gently. "That interview was shit."

She groaned in agreement. We'd agreed to keep our relationship out of her spotlight but in my heart I knew it wouldn't last long. People at college knew who Zara was and knew we were together. Soon word would spread and my name would no longer be in the shadows. I'd be the guy dating the countries favourite skater girl and although I loved Zara more than words could describe, I dreaded that day.

"They were out of line to ask about your dad." I said softly, expecting her to agree but she didn't.

"No Nate, I'm choosing to go down this road. If I follow this path, my past will not be private." She spoke the sad truth which I'd been unwilling to warn her about. It was obvious that people would want to know every drip of detail about Zara if she became popular. That's the downside of fame. People live for gossip and juicy facts about others. "Maybe I can't deal with this."

"Don't let one silly interview put you off your dreams." I protested, grasping my hand in hers and rubbing my thumb over her soft skin to calm her worrying thoughts.

"Living this life means people will know everything about me. I hate it. I hate people knowing my life." She muttered, voice breaking slightly and I hated to see her upset.

"Maybe it's a good thing." I suggested, hoping to cheer her up slightly even though I couldn't help but agree that living the life she was at the moment might be too much for her. "You don't have to hide from anyone. You can be yourself."

"Yeah I guess." She watched my thumb as it rubbed continuous circles on her hand. "Which reminds me, I need to take the clothing they gave me back."

Time HealsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon