Chapter 43

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"Your girl didn't turn up?" Eric, my roommate, asked curiously as he got back to our dorm late that night. This dude and I got on well especially since he let Zara stay in our dorm whenever she wanted. Although this evening she choose going out clubbing illegally over spending time with me. I glared angrily at the cup in my hand, remembering how her friend had called me clingy.

"Why do you say that." I snapped at him.

"Because you're staring at that mug as though it slept with her instead of you." Eric chuckled, amused at his own comment. When I didn't reply he sighed and kept his jokes to himself. "Look man, Zara loves you. It's obvious every time she looks at you."

"But she ditched me!" I shouted, throwing the mug onto the ground angrily and it smashed at my feet. "She'd rather spend time going to a club illegally with her idiot roommate than with me!"

"Who's her roommate?" Eric frowned.

"That blonde chick that practically the whole college has slept with." I wracked my brains, trying to remember her name.

"Lucy Young?" Eric wondered and his expression told me he hoped it wasn't her.

"Yeah that's her."

"Shit man, that girl is toxic." He shook his shaggy dark hair, seemingly worried.

"Tell me about it." I growled in annoyance.

"No I mean that...uh we need to go and check your girlfriend got home safely." Eric picked up my jacket and threw it at me.

"Why should I?" I challenged because I seriously didn't feel like arguing with Zara right now.

"Because Lucy is a bitch. She's messed up!" Eric said angrily and his hostility surprised me. "I had a mate who really fancied her. He was my previous roommate. She tagged him along for months pretending to feel the same way. I wasn't an idiot I knew she had other guys on the go but he wouldn't listen to a word I said. She got him into so much shit. When his room was searched they found stashes off all sorts of drugs she'd hidden there. He got expelled and was bloody lucky he didn't get sent to prison. Lucy never said anything or contacted him again but I knew it was her."

My heart race increased throughout Eric's story making me realise how much of a dick I've been. I let my girlfriend go out clubbing illegally with a crazy bitch that stashes drugs in peoples dorms!

"You know I said I was going out tonight to meet some guys?" Eric shuffled uneasily and I nodded, remembering him mention it earlier. "It's a gang. Leon, my mate, was severely beaten up a few months ago by the people that Lucy associates with. They're both in drug debt because all the stash in Leon's room was taken by the police. I'm meeting them to pay his off. They gave him three months to get the money and we did it in two so I'm hoping to god he'll be left alone after this but Lucy...she's in deep. Nathan I've got a bad feeling that Lucy's using Zara to pay off her debt."

Holy crap I was way out of my depth here. That was all I needed to hear. I left the room like a flash, hoping to God my girl was safely in her dorm.


"It's a little money to get in and I don't have any cash on me." Lucy grabbed my arm just before we got to the entrance of the nightclub. "Would you mind...?"

She expected me to pay for both of us?

"I don't have that much." I took a few notes out of my purse and she snatched them away pretty swiftly.

"That will be enough." She flashed me a smile and then handed me a card. Fake ID.

"How the fuck did you get this?" I frowned at the picture of me.

"I have my ways." Lucy grinned and I gulped, feeling out of my comfort zone. Had I known what Lucy's plan was I'd have never gone along with this suggestion of hers.

We approached the security guard, handed him our ID's and waited nervously as he ran his eyes up our bodies. He asked for the entrance fee which Lucy paid and then let us in.
"You ladies have a good evening." He gave us back our ID cards and I felt lightheaded with relief.

As we went into the place I was stunned at the lights, loudness and atmosphere. The music was drum and base with no substance or meaning. It was so dark yet light at the same time with all the different coloured lights. The music was so loud I could barely hear Lucy as she beckoned me over to the bar.

I hadn't got drunk since the night of the accident. Drinking was not something I found fun anymore so I shook my head when Lucy tried to get me to buy some alcohol. She didn't get the message though and ordered us two shots each, paying with my money. I cringed as I downed them, not wanting to seem like a lightweight in front of Lucy.

She laughed as she finished hers and ran off into the dance room which was full of bodies. I lost sight of her which made me nervous.

Considering I hadn't drunk in a while I suddenly felt a tad dizzy but I'm not sure if that was simply because of the crazy atmosphere. Somehow I found a less busy corner, ignoring the stoners around me smoking weed. I fiddled with my dress, feeling totally out of place. The dress made me feel vulnerable and walking in these shoes were killing my feet.

Suddenly a door behind me opened and a hand grabbed mine, yanking me out of the main room of the nightclub. As the door is slammed behind me the pounding sound of the music lessened and I came face to face with the hottest man I'd ever laid eyes on.

Nathan, I reminded myself. My boyfriend. But seriously this guy was godlike.

"Hey pretty lady." He spoke, voice harsher than his looks. "You're Lucy's friend right?"

My eyes widened in shock at his words and I glanced over his shoulder. Lucy was stood not too far away, regret in her eyes.

"Who the hell are you?" I blinked, my eyes adjusting to the new, duller lighting.

"Your new boss." The man smirked deeply and without any warning he shoved a cloth over my mouth and nose.

I couldn't breath. As much as I thrashed around his grip was iron and nothing could free me. The world began to spin and I smelt a horrid smell which I guessed was chloroform. Soon I couldn't hold myself up anymore and I fell into the mysterious guys arms, loosing conscious.

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