We Come in Peace... Kind Of

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"You have to. Think about how happy being at Stanford makes you. Think about how many great things you are doing over there. Think about the future you're going to have. Think about how relieved you've felt over the past year, not having to look over your shoulder constantly. Think about how nice it's been not having someone trying to kill you or capture you at all times. Go and live your life Ela. Go be happy. Go be free of this world. The world you decided to leave, and for good reasons. Trust us to take care of this. Trust me. Trust your friends. Please. I promise you won't regret it. Please." Kingsley begged. Reason began to flood my mind and I began to think if I really should be doing this. Should I actually try to go after them? How in the world could I do it by myself? I mean I've been out of training for over a year. Kingsley was right. I need to put my trust and faith in him. I can't do this. I shouldn't be doing this.

"You're right." I said sinking into my seat.

"What?" Jerry said from next to me. "No, he's not." He added looking at me. "No you're not right. I don't think you realize who we are, but we've been through too damn much to quit on them. No! I refuse to give up. We can't just sit on out hands while they are out there somewhere and we are their only hope. I don't know if you've realized this or not, but this whole damn thing is centered around Ela and I. And Damnit agent Cross I don't give a fuck about how self centered that sounded, because everyone in this room knows I'm right. This is going to lead to world war 3. I know it and everyone around here knows it. Ela and I are the only bargaining chips you have. We're your only weapon. We're your only hope of ending this. Don't push us away. I know what you're doing. You know what I've just said is true and you're trying to push us into staying at Stanford so that you know where we are whenever you need us. You'll have us stashed away as some sort of fucking insurance to know that nothing can ever really happen as long as we are happily trapped in our fucking safety box. No! I will not be pushed to the side. I will not be hidden away until I can be used. I refuse." Jerry yelled angrily. I've never seen Jerry like this before. I never seen him so worked up about something.

"I'm not stashing you guys away. I'm protecting you. I don't want you guys to get murdered. The only way we know that you are truly safe is if you stay at Stanford. We have made arrangements with the school officials to keep you guys safe since the day you stepped foot on that campus. People have been hired to make sure nothing happens to you guys." Kingsley yelled back at Jerry. Holy shit, excuse me. They've been watching us for over a year? They made arrangements with our school? What the fuck?

"Are you kidding me? You guys have been having us watched? So all those times I thought I was being paranoid about being followed and watched were real. I thought I was going crazy. I thought my brain was just used to being on full alert because of all the shit I went through. You actually have been hiring secret bodyguards for us. Wow. Thanks. So I guess Jerry really is right. You guys have to make sure your precious little insurance policies are safely tucked away. You have to make sure your weapons are cleaned and ready to go at any time. This is bullshit. I can't believe you." I yelled standing up and pacing around a bit. I was boiling. I was beyond pissed. I didn't have words to describe what I was feeling at that moment in time. I just didn't want to be anywhere near any of these people.

"It wasn't because we wanted to use you guys. It was because we wanted you guys to be done with us. We wanted you guys to be safe. Really truly safe, but we didn't know when or if any of the circle members would come back for you guys. We wanted you guys to really be happy where you were. We didn't want you guys to convince yourselves to come back. You guys deserve happiness and being part of this world has only ever brought you and unnecessary amount of pain and suffering." Kingsley yelled back. His British accent so thick it caused me to struggle to understand what he was saying. He sunk back into his chair and held his head for a bit. "You guys were so happy there." He said distantly, looking at the table. "We just wanted you guys to be happy." He whispered looking me dead in the eyes. "Which is why my answer is still no. I don't want you guys anywhere near this. Go back to school and let us handle this." Kingsley said firmly before getting up and walking out of the room.

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