''I get what you mean. I met Lauren during college because we shared some classes together. In class, I was focused, interested and quiet. I was quite the nerd now that I think about it, actually. But so was Lauren, which is probably one of the reasons we hit it off so easily. Before I knew it, I had the biggest crush on her. And it seemed like she liked me too. But I was way different outside of school than I was in the classroom. I was dorky and loud when I was with my friends and I could be a party-girl. And I was scared that Lauren wouldn't like that part of me.'' She tells her, watching Lexa's focused eyes.

''Yeah, that's how I feel as well.'' She admits, her eyes turning downward with insecurities.

''You know, Lauren was surprised when we started hanging out after class and she got to know me more. And her surprise scared me shitless but there was one thing that reassured me of everything.'' Camila continues and Lexa looks back up at her with questioning eyes.

''What was it?'' She asks with genuine interest and Camila smiles with an emotion in her eyes that's clear as day: love.

''Her eyes.'' She shares, making Lexa frown in confusion.

''Her eyes?''

''Yeah. Not only does Lauren have the most beautiful eyes ever, but they tell me everything I need to know. Her eyes always speak the truth, they tell me exactly how she feels or what she wants or needs. I've learned to read her eyes like my favorite book. I know them better than anybody else ever could, I know her better than she knows herself. And back then in college when I was full of doubts and insecurities and worries, her eyes reassured me time and time again. The way she looked at me told me enough to let all my fears disappear. I knew she would grow to love me before she realized it herself.'' Camila answers with a dreamy smile at the memory while a soft shiver runs down her spine.

Lexa gulps and looks at Camila with interest. She knew that Lauren and Camila had a very special bond and they could read each other pretty easily, but she never realized how deeply their love was nestled inside of them. And now she realizes that there was simply no other outcome than that they would end up together again even after everything they've been through.

''That's beautiful, Mila.'' She says, pulling Camila out of her dreamy state and focus back on Lexa again. ''I truly hope Clarke will look at me like that one day.'' She whispers, watching a gentle smile appear on the astronaut's lips and seeing her nod in understanding.

''Don't worry, Lex. Clarke looks at you the same way Lauren looked at me during college. I can see it blossoming, I can feel it growing. And it surprises me that you guys haven't noticed it yourselves yet, which is why I keep teasing you about it. That girl is smitten for you, I swear. So go act on it.'' Camila tells her with a supportive nod, suppressing her laugh at Lexa's dumfounded expression.

''You really think so?'' she whispers out after a few moments of silence, looking up with the most careful and hopeful smile.

''I know so. And even if you don't believe me, you should ask her out anyway. You say you're scared she won't like you outside of work duties but you'll never find out if you never let her get to know you. Take a chance and I know for a fact that Clarke will be there to catch you.'' She tells her, reaching out to pat Lexa's knee in assurance.

Lexa nods, letting her eyes look around while her thoughts are taking over. Camila just smiles at her with a content sigh. There are a few minutes of silence between them when the door to the hospital room opens and Clarke and Lauren walk in together.

''Hey!'' Camila calls out happily, shaking Lexa out of her thoughts as well.

''Hey baby, move over I need to lay down.'' Lauren exclaims immediately, moving straight to the bed. Camila laughs and scoots to the side to give her girlfriend some room and Lauren doesn't waste a second in letting herself fall down on the mattress and into the astronaut's arms.

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