11~Bye Dickhead!

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Louis huffed as he leaned back on his office chair next to his desk. 

"What's up with you?" Ellie asked as she sat opposite him and handed him his coffee. 

"Harry," Louis whined as he sat up and looked into Ellie's eyes which reminded him so much of Harry's.

"What about him?" Ellie chuckled sipping her own coffee. 

"Well, he has a thing going with one of my servants!" 

"You're joking! Haha he is done with you already?" Ellie laughed throwing her head back. 

"Haha so funny," Louis said rolling his eyes in sarcasm. "But seriously, give me some advice."

"What advice do want from me? Dude you can't fall in love with him and he can't fall in love with you. You guys are in a BDSM relationship and you aren't boyfriends. The only thing that is holding you together is a piece of paper which that boy signed," Ellie explained and Louis groaned.


"Well, you made the rules."

Ellie started sorting out the numerous papers on Louis' desk to clean it up a bit. Louis was on his lunch break so he had approximately 10 minutes until her had to attend a meeting.

"Wait..." Louis' heart sped up as he thought of an idea, "If I made the rules then I can change them right?"

Ellie looked up from the stack of papers for a brief minute before looking back down and giggling, "Mr Smart-Guy finally solved the problem. Well done," She laughed and Louis grinned getting out his phone. 

To Kitten:

Hey Harry, I need to talk to you when I get home. Oh and...don't worry about the butt plug ;) - Daddy xx

After sending the message to his submissive, Louis drank up all his coffee and began to get ready for his meeting. His phone vibrated just as he was about to leave. 

From Kitten:

Okay Daddy. I wanted to talk to you about something too. When will you come home? - Haz xx

Louis smiled down at the message. Since today was a Friday he could go home whenever he wanted and he had made his decision to go after this meeting.

"I'll see you later Lou?" He heard Ellie say behind him as she began slipping on her coat. 

"Yeah I'll text you," Louis said as he grabbed his brief case and they both began walking to Louis' meeting room where they would separate and go their own ways.

"Well, I hope everything goes well with Harry, but can I ask you something?" Ellie said as they neared to Room 67.

"Sure," Louis replied checking in his brief case if he had everything for the meeting.

"Do you...love Harry?" 

Louis choked on his own spit at the thought. He did love his Submissive. It was the only reason why he was deciding to remove some rules and make the relationship they have more better for the both of them. 

He just hopes that maybe his little sex slave felt the same.

"So?" Ellie asks as a minute passes of Louis staring off into space. 

"Yeah I do," Louis smiled down at the floor fondly thinking about his special curly someone. 

"Well, if you love him then show him you do," And with that Ellie walked away and the bright red heels clicking on the cold marble floor faded away. 

"Are you coming Tommo?" Louis turned his head to look at his uncle who was waiting by the door for him. 



The meeting dragged on painfully slow and Louis literally sprinted out to his car when it was over. 

"Hello Sir," Paul greeting him as Louis flopped down in the back seat.

"Hiya, Paul could you drive fast?" Louis said in a hurry.

"In a hurry to see Mr Styles I see?" Paul chuckled, "Of course."

Louis rolled his eyes as he looked out at the buildings and trees that zoomed past them. 

It was like magic when Paul said they were home. That was fast, Louis thought as he ran to the front door.

"Kitten?" Louis called out as he opened the front door. 

Louis eyes widened when he saw Harry in his black jeans and a white tank top. His curls were held back with a black bandanna and he dragged a suitcase behind him. 

But that wasn't the thing that Louis was looking at with such shock. 

Harry held onto Melanie's hand with his own free one. 

"H-Harry?" Louis breathed out as Harry neared him.

Melanie seemed unsure and terrified of what Louis would say. 

"I'm leaving," Harry said bluntly not even looking at Louis as he got out of the house. 

"You can't!" Louis shouted behind them as he dropped his brief case.

"And why not?" Harry said looking back with hopeful eyes that it was the reason he was looking for.

"Because...because we have a contract between us!"

Guess not.

"Oh, this thing?" Harry held up a piece of paper which was the contract the two signed and it was the only thing that bonded them together.

Before Louis could reach out for it Harry ripped it through the middle and into shreds before dropping it on the floor. 

"Harry!" Louis screamed as he held the small pieces that were on the floor. 

Harry narrowed his eyes with disgust as he looked down at Louis. 

"I regret everything after I signed the contract to when I ripped it up," Harry scowled.

 He walked and got into the taxi parked outside the large gates surrounding the house. 

"Bye dickhead!" Harry shouted as the taxi zoomed off into the road. 

"I've wanted to say that ever since I stepped foot in that place," Harry whispered to his girlfriend as she smiled and cuddled into his side. 

Louis rocked back and forth in the doorway. 

"Mr...Tomlinson?" He heard Sebastian say from behind him. 

"I love him," Louis whispered into his hands. 


"I love him!" He repeated and with the last word Louis ran out to the Range Rover parked at the back of the mansion and started the car. 

Tears mindlessly slipped down his cheeks while he bit his lip to keep the loud sobs that dared to escape his mouth.

"I get what I want," He said in a shaky voice as he started the engine and began searched for a mop of curly brown hair and the beautiful green eyes that went with them perfectly.

A/N: This is just a quick chapter, sorry if it is too short but I will update as soon as I can. 

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Aggressive - Larry BDSM (DomxSub) [Completed]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora