1~Not Everything Is A Mistake

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"Hey mate!" Niall greeted his best friend as they met in the park.

"Hi Nialler," Harry smiled as he ran to hug the blonde. They both laughed as their chests collided in a big bear hug.

They walked by the duck pond talking about random shit when Niall stopped Harry with a pull of his tattooed arm.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked concerned.

"I can't let him see me!" Niall whispered dropping on all fours and crawling behind a bush.

"You can't let who see-" Harry was looking around trying to find whoever Niall was hiding from when he was jerked to one side and landed on his side next to Niall. "Ow!" Harry whined and Niall gave him and apologetic look.

"Him," Niall whispered after a while pointing to a man with darker skin then them and close to black hair. He had stubble around his mouth and wore a leather jacket with black jeans and black boots.

"Why?" Harry asked raising an eyebrow.

"Because um..." Niall paused for a minute and Harry could clearly see he was blushing now, "He's my boyfriend."

"Your boyfriend?!" Harry screamed.

"Shut up!" Niall whispered covering his mouth with his own hand.

"But Niall you're straight!" Harry protested removing his hand from his mouth.

"I'm bi!"

"Since when?"

"Since...last week."

"What the fuck?! You've been dating this guy for a week and you decide to tell me now?!" Harry was freaking out by now.

"I was going to tell you..."

"When? Next month?" Harry rolled his eyes and then when meeting Niall's eyes felt bad.

"It's hard to tell someone your sexuality change you know?" He said and it was like he was about to cry so Harry, being the best friend ever, leaned in and wrapped his arms around Niall's shoulders. He tensed for a while but then melted into the hug.

"You can tell me anything alright?" Harry smiled once the hug was broken, "It's what best friends are for, right?"

"Yeah..." Niall smiled back.

"But why can't you let him see you?" Harry asked after a while of spying this mysterious man.

"I don't know. I just don't want him to see me with you," Niall started fiddling with his hands, a thing he does when he is nervous.

"With me? Why, what's wrong with me?" Harry ask quickly and Niall smiled nervously.

"Well...'cause you're really good-looking and he will think we are dating because we are in the park!" He says all in one breath but Harry has known him long enough to know what he is saying.

"Calm down Niall, I'm sure he won't think that. C'mon, lets say hi" Harry got up, dusting his jeans and pulling Niall up with him. "What's his name?" Harry asks when they both start walking towards the dazed man.


Harry could feel Niall's smile and the happiness he had as they near the raven haired boy. He was happy for him.

"Hey Zayn!" Harry shouts while waving when they were close enough for him to hear us.

He whips his head around and grins when he sees Niall. His dark brown eyes search for Niall's and when they find his, Niall grins and runs up to his boyfriend wrapping his arms around his neck whilst Zayn's arms are securely around Niall's waist.

"I missed you babe," Zayn whispers into Niall's ear making Niall giggle and respond with a "I missed you too." Harry wished he could have a relationship with someone like that.

The last time he was in a relationship was when he was 19. It was with a girl called Lily but throughout their relationship he felt as if he didn't have the butterflies he used to have with her. She was gorgeous and really nice but when they shared sexual moments he just wouldn't get turned on. It was when a new guy called Jadon came into his neighborhood that he realized he was gay. Sadly, Jadon was straight as a ruler and was only friends with Harry because he was after Lily. Harry and Lily broke up and her and Jadon got together. Harry was kinda' sad but got over it...who was he kidding? He cried for days and days! People laughed at him when they find out he still hadn't got laid yet.

If only they knew...

He had gotten laid. It wasn't a love relationship. It was BDSM. It started when he turned 21.

Niall got him to try it out. He was basically a prostitute. He didn't like this job one bit because he had to fuck a girl for money. There weren't a lot of gay guys looking for guy prostitutes in our neighborhood, that's why he found Niall very lucky to have found a guy like Zayn.

He didn't know about BDSM before Niall introduced it to him. He had watched porn but not BDSM. He was happy when he did find out what it was as it was something he had been missing for a while now.

He was still doing it though. He cringed whenever Niall said a girl called asking for a fuck. He was so gay he wanted the girls to do things to him instead of him pleasuring the girls. Which is when Niall got him to join BDSM, where he was a submissive. 

He thought it was great! There was this one guy who came in asking him to be his submissive. He was so gentle and would always ask Harry if he was okay after each whip or spank. He would even tie the rope really lose so they didn't hurt his wrists, so lose that his hands could easily slip out of them. He didn't like that, does that make him a masochist?

He got loads of guys to make him be their submissive. Apparently there weren't a lot of sexy teen submissives. Most of the submissives Harry ran into were twice the age of the curly brunette and would be partly bold or have a lot of grey hairs. Harry cringed when seeing men like them being fucked instead of doing the fucking. By the end of the month his arse was killing him!

He had gotten a load of experience by that month and was getting the money he needed to pay back Niall. Harry was happy Niall introduced him to the world of BDSM, it was the thing he had been searching for.

"Who's he?" Harry was jerked out of his thoughts at the raspy voice of Zayn.

"Harry, Harry Styles," He greeted raising his hand for him to shake which he took between his own smiling at me.

"Zayn Malik," He introduces.

He saw Niall smiling from the corner of his eye. Guess that was his cue to leave...

"Nice to meet you! Have fun guys, I have to go to work," Harry winked at Niall making him chuckle under his breath and after a quick hug from Zayn, ran out of the park.

He huffed when he got home. Harry closed the door making the house shake slightly. It was run down and scruffy and he was sure that he didn't live alone in the house, that explained the numerous squeaks at midnight.

He got his phone when he dropped down on his single bed. He had a notification.

Since he used a website/app for his "work" he would use that app the most. He choked on his own spit when he saw who it was.

Louis Tomlinson wants to have you be his submissive.

He screamed. Literally.

Yes, he had some cute guys over his time but this had to be a dream. Louis was the most well-known and mouth watering guys around, and he wanted Harry to be his sub?!

This is definitely a mistake!

Harry's hands were shaking when he pressed on the app making Louis's message pop up on the screen.

From Lou.T:

To Hazza94:

Hi! You seem cute, Wanna be my personal sub? xx

Harry fainted there and then.

So this wasn't a mistake...

Aggressive - Larry BDSM (DomxSub) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now