3~This is how love starts?

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Lou.T: What's ur name?

Harry only finished with the shower when his phone rang telling him he got a message. He wrapped the white towel around his waist and went to grab his phone which was wrested on the night stand. He grinned when he saw the message was from Louis.

Hazza94: Harry. Harry Styles.

Hazza94: And u must be Louis?

Harry ran to put on his clothes so he could lay in bed talking to Louis, he didn't yet know if it was the Louis Tomlinson.

Lou.T: Yeah, Louis Tomlinson (don't tell anyone;)!)

A laugh emerged from Harry's mouth. He didn't why he found that message funny or even slightly cute.

While Harry was being casual talking to the most famous hottie in his town Louis was sweating like crazy thinking about the out-come of telling a stranger that he was the Louis Tomlinson. The message that soon followed was to be the judge of that.

Hazza94: Omg that's so cool! What r u doin on a website like this?

Louis heart skipped a beat at Harry's message. Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson huh? He liked the thought of that.

Lou.T: Sexual desires. Sadist desires. I've been a submissive a few times and I wanna see what it's like being the Dom.

Harry bit his lip thinking about Louis being a Dom. Harry knew that Louis was much smaller than him in size or had he just grown a few inches over the past few months?

Hazza94: Cool, so you want me to be your personal sub? What do you mean by that?

Louis took some time replying, in the meantime Harry got himself a cup of coffee and sat in front of the television. Just as he was about to watch go on Netflix his phone buzzed and he beamed brightly at the notification.

Lou.T: Well I know that you just do this BDSM thing like a one night thing, right? So, I was wondering if you could possibly come over tomorrow, do this BDSM thing and if I like you I get to keep you forever. You are gonna sign a contract so don't worry, you will basically be my sex slave. (by the way when you get the contract, don't forget to read the fine print ;))

Harry sat there reading the message over and over until he memorized most of the message off by heart. Sex slave?! He wanted Harry, a guy who lives in what looks like a dump, has probably four nipples, has annoying curly hair that would get in the way all the time and make him look like a mop, dimples that made his face look fat and weird tattoos, well he regretted them at least.

He wasn't going to say anything about his body. Girls mostly touched him a lot saying he was "the most sexiest guy they had ever seen" but then after him saying he was gay they ran off with disgusting looks on their faces. Not all, but some. He did go to the gym every Wednesday so that explains the abs girls can't keep their hands off. Even the Dom's that Harry had couldn't help but run their hand over his tanned stomach and trace their finger around the butterfly tattoo occupying it, that was the tattoo Harry regretted the most.

Hazza94: That's awesome! Where do ya wanna meet?

That sounded casual enough right?

Lou.T: I'm guessing you know where I work? Tomlinson.Co?

Hazza94: Pass by there every Wednesday :)

Lou.T: Nice, meet me there at 2pm. But I'm going to need you to come inside and wait for a while. You don't mind meeting my uncle do you?

Hazza94: Mr. Lester?

Lou.T: Yeah! How'd you know?

Hazza94: Lucky guess?

Aggressive - Larry BDSM (DomxSub) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now